Job Review

[Orthodontics] Review of Protrusion Correction after 10 Years of Malocclusion Correction

Date 24.05.05 22:05:37 View 1,119
연세고운미소치과의원 종로점

I had orthodontic treatment for 10 years from a famous dentist, and I was so concerned about my protruding teeth that I came to this hospital after a friend recommended it.  During the consultation, he said that I had been receiving orthodontic treatment for a long time and that my gum roots were very short because of an accident  , so I shouldn't expect much and that I should take risks. I hoped that my protruding teeth would improve even a little, so I got orthodontic treatment again ^ㅠ,,  As for my review, I'm in the final stage of orthodontic treatment and I'm very satisfied!!  Even though there are many patients, I felt that they were managing the patients systematically.  I didn't expect much because I was told that my protruding teeth wouldn't improve much, but I heard from people around me that it had improved a lot,  and they didn't push themselves too hard and they did it according to my condition, so I didn't feel anxious.  Also, when I told him about any inconveniences or wishes I felt during the final stage, they took them into consideration as much as possible, even if they were unreasonable, so  I think I understand why plastic surgeons are called second fathers.  I highly recommend this to people around me who are thinking about orthodontic treatment.  What I felt after getting braces twice is that going to a famous doctor in a big hospital in our country and spending more money doesn't necessarily mean that you'll get good results.  I finished my braces at the same time as the doctor at my first dental clinic who retired, so I couldn't go for aftercare.  I think I have these thoughts because I had braces for a long time and spent a lot of money.

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서울에서 두번째로 방문해본 병원. 처음 병원이 쏘쏘이기도 했고 자연스럽게 잘 하기로 유명한 병원이라 기대가 제법 있었는데 라인 잡아준 게 제일 마음에 들었음. (병원은 총 5군데 방문해봤고 앞선 두 곳은 사는 지역 병원, 나머지 세 곳은 서울에서 자연스럽게 잘 하고 재수술 잘 하는 병원 위주였음) 절개와 지방제거 200만원대인데 홈페이지에 눈 공개하면 150만원대로 떨어지고 절개, 눈매교정, 지방제거는 303만원이고 눈 공개시 200만원대로 떨어졌음. 가격도 생각보다 괜찮아서 엄청 혹한 곳인데 수술할 때 원장님 뵙고 그 이후에는 한 달차에나 만나뵐 수 있다고 함. 개인적으로 이게 좀 마음에 안 들긴 하는데 진짜 제일 마음에 들었던 곳이라 그거 감수하고 여기로 잡아볼까 고민되는 곳 중 하나임...... AS기간은 1년, 수술할 때 붓기 주사 같이 들어가고 흉살 생기면 흉살 주사까지 들어간다고 했음. 원장님이 좀 바빠보이셨는데 그점이 마음에 걸려서 그렇지 조곤조곤 상담 잘 해주시고 라인 예쁘게 빼주신 점은 진짜 크게 마음에 듦...... 이미 몇 군데 돌아봐서 내 눈에 맞는 수술은 뭔지 그런 걸 알고 있어서 상담실장님께 크게 여쭤본 건 없는데 이런 사람이 처음인 건지 엄청 당황하시는 것 같았음. 몇 번이나 궁금한 거 없으세요? 물어보시는데 최대한 쥐어 짜내서 여쭤본 게 사후 관리였음. 근데 그 답변이 영 시원치 않아서 차마 더 물어볼 게 없다고는 못 함...... 여태 다닌 병원 중 제일 사람 많고 원장님도 바빠 보이셨음.
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