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[Orthodontics] 2 years of orthodontic treatment review

Date 24.04.21 09:19:42 View 878
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This is a review of two years of orthodontic treatment. I had it done at a local dentist and had the teeth corrected starting from the molars due to misalignment and implants. I know that you usually go to the dentist to have your wire tightened once every 2-4 weeks, but for some reason, I went to the dentist once a week. I know that you have to wear a clear device for about a year after orthodontic treatment, but since I had the orthodontic treatment in a hurry, they told me to wear it for as long as possible. In fact, I was hoping that there would be a change in the lower crown during the orthodontic treatment, but usually the cases where the aesthetics change with orthodontic treatment are those with protruding front teeth. seemed to show the most improvement (this was my friend's case). My front teeth did not protrude, so there was no dramatic change. Pros 1. I wasn't too concerned about my teeth being distorted before orthodontic treatment, but after finishing, my teeth were clearly even and it was aesthetically pleasing. 2. It was easy to floss... haha ​​3. I was worried that my gums would recede, but I don't think I've had that situation. Disadvantages 1. I have been wearing clear aligners for 2 years. 2. I have braces that are permanently attached to the back of my front teeth. I am now used to them, but I have to visit the dentist periodically. 3. This wasn't the case in the past, but my teeth hurt when I eat cold things.

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