Job Review

[Double Jaw] 6 months after getting braces! My senses have returned~

Date 24.12.04 08:09:15 View 268
During days

I had a severe complex about my prognathism since I was young, and I was teased for it. I tried to stop it by getting braces and getting surgery to lengthen my jaw, but it was not effective at all because it was only a surgery to reduce the length... Thinking back now, I should have gotten double jaw surgery when I was a year younger and had less sagging skin, but I thought it was a waste of time and money, so I got double jaw surgery and two types of jaw contouring surgery at Waigang! This is a review after 6 months. Now I'm living a normal life. Up until 3 months, it was hard because I had pain and it was hard to open my mouth, but now I don't have to be picky about food and I don't feel anything else except for a sore jaw when I'm tired. I'm satisfied with my appearance and just take a lot of selfies. I'm happy because the burden on my mind has disappeared as if old dirt has been peeled off. I sleep well even when I'm lying on my side and eat meat well. I got nasolabial folds and a double chin as aftereffects of the surgery, but I'm going to get rid of them with the procedure. I'm not too worried about it. They said that the sensation doesn't return to the same level on both the left and right sides, but my left side is still numb. My right side is almost back to normal. I feel like my sensation is getting better, so I'm not really worried about it and I'm just living my life. Oh, my jaw hurts when I yawn. Haha. I'm being careful. Haha. I was worried about the aftereffects and when I'd be able to return to my daily life after the surgery, but if I knew I was going to do this well, I should've done it sooner. I'm so happy that the surgery went well. Haha.

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24-12-04 22:00
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