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[Double Jaw] If both evil and evil survive, they will win...

Date 24.07.05 12:03:03 View 526
12 만원
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30 Days

Last month, on May 27th, I had double jaw + chin tip + square jaw surgery at Waigugang!! As you can see in the pre-surgery photo, there is facial asymmetry. I was under a lot of stress since I was young because of my protruding chin and protruding mouth. I went for orthodontics for the first time when I was 20 years old, but I was diagnosed with a case of double jaw, not correction. I was afraid of double jaw, so I worried about it for 7 years and ended up having surgery at Y. First of all, I had surgery at Y. The reason is 1. The only director is Director Seokjae Lee! I heard that there are a lot of surrogate surgery cases these days, so I went to a place where there was only one doctor in the first place!! 2. I heard that the director who opened the CCTV was so proud that he opened the CCTV of the pre-surgery process, which made me trust him even more. 3. The director worked at a large hospital before, so he had a lot of surgeries and a long experience! 4. Orthodontic treatment is possible in one place. There is also an orthodontic director, so you can have orthodontic treatment in one place without having to go to another dentist after orthodontic treatment!! There are countless reasons for choosing Waigugang, but if you think about the big ones, what's the point? And first of all, everyone was very friendly.. Anyway, I made an appointment right away on the day of the consultation and had the surgery! (On the day of surgery) Yes, I regretted it. I thought I was going to die. During the surgery, I was under general anesthesia anyway, and when I woke up, the surgery was over. There was no pain in my jaw or anything like that. However, it was very difficult to breathe, I had no feeling in my face, and I thought my tailbone and buttocks were disappearing. I couldn't move at all because there were hoses hanging out of my nose and neck, and I had a urination line attached to it. All I remember about the first day is that I was dying. I even looked up how to turn back time on Naver ^^.. (second day of surgery) 20-30 minutes at a time. If you sleep and wake again, the next day that seemed like it would never come comes. \In the morning, the nurse puts a urinary strainer on you to relieve the blood, and from that point on, you can move around! Then, I met the doctor and had the wafer put on. It was better than the day before, but I still regret it. (3rd day after surgery. Discharged) I received a swelling laser and was usually discharged around 10 o'clock, but since I live on Jeju Island, it would be difficult to go down immediately after the surgery,  so I stayed at a nearby hotel for about a week. I asked if I could be discharged late because of the check-in time, and they said it was okay, so I was discharged at 4 o’clock!! But, dear local people, if you have surgery, just go home no matter how far it is. When you're sick, home is the best. I caught a plane early in the morning the next day and flew home. I ran out of money for accommodation.... (One week) It's hell for a week. I wonder if my face can be this swollen. It was getting so swollen. The pressure in my face was so bad and I was scared that my face would explode... And I couldn't eat food, I only ate liquid food like New Care and Pocari from a sauce container, but honestly, I don't feel hungry, it's hard to eat, and I just don't have an appetite. ㅠㅠ Still, I have to eat well to recover a little. Just force yourself to eat as quickly as possible and take a walk for an hour a day without fail!! Going for a walk is the best for swelling.  I feel like the swelling goes down when I take a walk (2nd week) I'll take the stitches out in the 2nd week. From this point on, it's a bit more manageable! There is no stuffy nose, and the wafer is removable when eating, so I can say goodbye to the sauce container. And most of all, I like it because I don't have to take medicine... It's really hard to pass up medicine. From this point on, I start eating soft things like porridge, cold noodles, ramen, pudding, etc. Of course, I can't chew it. So I cut it all out with scissors!! But I'm still happy!!! The swelling is starting to go down! Now that the 2nd week has passed and it's been 20 days, I'm always hungry and I want to chew. Now I'm a pro at swallowing without chewing. I don't chew most of the food, but I cut it open with scissors and swallow it with a gulp. People say they lose 7-8 kilos after surgery, but I do . It didn't go down by a degree. I somehow survived by eating everything. I ate soft tofu stew, mapo tofu, pudding, cold noodles, black bean noodles, and jjamppong. The swelling is starting to go down very, very slowly, and when I wake up, it gets hot, and in the evening, it subsides a little, and when I wake up again, it gets hot. It's a repeat of falling out in the evening!  I use a warm compress every now and then. When I use a warm compress, the pressure on my face gets less! Highly recommend hot compress!  And I started going to work, and even though it was still very swollen, my face got a lot smaller. It got shorter, my facial expression got softer, etc. I received a lot of compliments on how well the surgery went, and I felt really good >< The two types of contouring definitely seem to have an effect,,ha. The pain at the beginning of the surgery is starting to be forgotten.... I don't regret it anymore. I just wait for the swelling to go down. If you look at the before and after pictures, you will see the real difference before and after the surgery. Every time I look in the mirror, I am amazed by the receding chin. Thank you, Lee Seok-Jaewon... And the director and nurses who took care of me throughout my hospitalization...ㅠㅠㅠ I haven't started braces yet and there's a long way to go, but it's just nice to think that I'll become prettier ><>

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