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[Double Jaw] Double Jaw... I cried a lot because of my double jaw.

Date 23.12.24 04:26:09 View 2,601
12 만원
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40 Days

hello! I've been deeply concerned about my chin since I was young. When I was in middle school, I heard people say I had a jutting chin when I looked at them from the side, and I also heard a lot of people say that you just need to tighten your chin. To be honest, I didn't think it was serious, but I heard those words so often that when I look in the mirror I developed a habit of almost reflexively looking at the chin first. Even if I hit it with my fist or push it... I cried a lot because of my protruding chin. At first, another hospital (plastic surgery clinic) suggested double jaw contouring, but at that time, the word double jaw itself was too much. I was scared so I decided to just outline it! I did the chin tip + square jaw, and about a year after the surgery, it seemed to get better for a while when the swelling went down, but the fundamental problem did not go away. That's why I became interested in orthognathics. Even though I live in a rural area, I tend to think that important surgeries should be done in the metropolitan area. Since it was a major surgery, I looked into it with safety and professionalism in mind. I carefully watched videos and reviews of well-known hospitals through YouTube, apps, cafes, etc., and had the surgery at Waigugang, which I liked the most! I still vividly remember shivering while lying on the cold bed in the operating room, but it’s already been a month! When I do Yangak, the same day repeats itself over and over again, so time seems to pass really quickly. I thought I had recovered, so I went back to what I used to do, and I am doing very well with no problems in my daily life! I really like eating, and I especially enjoy the crunchy texture, but after changing the wafer to a removable one, I was sad that my ability to chew was limited with delicious food in front of me. I think I tried to eat as many different foods as possible! I wanted chicken so much that I thought about replacing it I just thought about it..! When I wake up in the morning, I take out the wafer, gargle it, and then eat it. It's been a month and I'm still mainly eating porridge. Jill eats rice mixed with any kind of soup, or mixes steam with white porridge with sesame oil and soy sauce, or eats it with kimchi soup! Normally, I tend to eat snacks at intervals, but since I had to wear wafers again, I ate snacks + rice. For snacks, I often ate grated fruits (tangerines, bananas, apples). Oh, it's soft and delicious when mixed with wafer milk! In the beginning, I was so excited that the wafer could be detached that I ate a lot of bread rolled in hot milk. It's quite difficult to eat Chex chocolate. Unless it's swollen... After some time has passed and I've gotten used to the feeling of my chin, I can eat steamed eggs, tofu, and ramen. I ate it, but I almost swallowed it haha.. The rice cake soup went down easily. I think the feeling in my left cheek came back quickly, but it wasn't until about a month ago that I slowly started to feel sensation in my chin and right cheek. The philtrum is still a bit far away. I think it's... Haha, if you look at the numbers, the left cheek is 80, the right cheek is 60, the chin is 60, and the philtrum is about 50? There is no more pain or discomfort at all! Sometimes I hear a grinding sound from my chin, but I keep delusional that it's the sound of bones rubbing against each other...^^.. I think it's unstable, like the bones aren't attached... But I'm still wondering if that's the case since it's only been a month. I think it's a moment to experience. Since it was a major surgery, I think it's better to take your time and wait for it to be less stressful! Our body is gradually healing, not decomposing.. The swelling... really... isn't going down^^.. Especially the front cheeks and bulldog skin? I guess it's called candy swelling, but that's the part I'm most worried about. I think there's still a lot of swelling in the philtrum! As for the tip of my chin... I'm just going to wait at least 3 months for the swelling... In the beginning, it was amazing that it went down all the time, so I looked in the mirror and took pictures every day, but lately, I've plateaued and I'm so tired that I don't even look in the mirror. Haha. But compared to the 6th day, which is the evil section, I think I've become a better person. ^__^! Other inconveniences include my ears ringing sometimes, the flesh on my cheek near my molars getting chewed often, the indented part of my mouth that touches the screw sometimes throbbing, and it stings a bit when I put the rubber band on... I have to hold on to this... haha . It's not a big deal! It's only the screw on the right side... I think this too will pass... haha ​​This is an inconvenience that I didn't even think about and my body condition seems to be 90% of what it was before the surgery! I'm curious to hear what I'll hear when I go to the outpatient clinic next week. For those of you who are reading my review right now, it's hard and you'll regret it, but a month will pass by quickly. Fighting!!

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