Job Review

[Double Jaw] I had low self-esteem due to malocclusion and misaligned chin.

Date 24.01.02 16:44:32 View 1,745
12 만원
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365 Days

First of all, I have had a malocclusion and a crooked chin since I was young.  I was teased a lot during my school days and had low self-esteem, so I always thought that I had to get it done someday. My parents had me correct it when I was in high school, and my bite was back to normal. I came back, but there was no change in my bones, so my chin was still there. I really wanted to live my second life with courage, rather than living my whole life with stress and low self-esteem! I looked into several hospitals, but the reason I chose Y Oral Surgery was because I trusted that it was a hospital specializing in oral and maxillofacial surgery. I also watched Director Seok-jae Lee's YouTube channel a lot, and I trusted him even more. The counseling director was also very kind, and he explained everything I was curious about in detail and paid a lot of attention. I felt it was given to me!! So, I ended up having double jaw surgery and square jaw surgery!! I had the surgery on December 12, 2022, and it’s already been a year!! There have been a lot of changes in a year haha. Shortly after the surgery, I couldn't eat well, so I lost weight and had a lot of things I wanted to eat, but now I eat perfectly well. I eat chicken and meat. All my senses have returned, and I don't have any discomfort like I did in my daily life before the surgery. I'm doing well haha  ​​and the swelling seems to have completely gone down!! I thought it had all fallen out at 6 months, but when I looked at the picture at 6 months, it seemed like the loss was a little more than before haha. It felt like my face had gotten smaller and my V-line had become very clear(?)! My facial expression has become milder, so I am very satisfied with my life. I  am very happy that I mustered up the courage to do it, and most importantly, I think I chose the right hospital. It is a one-time surgery, but I am grateful to the director who performed it safely and beautifully!!

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