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[Double Jaw] If you are worried about double jaw surgery, check it out!

Date 24.03.25 18:09:05 View 2,112
12 만원
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14 Days

My lower jaw has developed since I was young, so my upper and lower teeth have a crossbite. I received consultations from 3 orthodontic clinics, but all of them said I needed surgery, so I waited until I was an adult. As an adult, I discovered Waigugang on YouTube and received counseling. I received consultations from other places, but I kept thinking of Waigugang, which had reasonable prices and didn't force unnecessary surgery. So I decided on Waigugang! I had a post-correction surgery and double jaw surgery + 2 types of contouring (front jaw, square jaw). Before surgery on the first day , I met with the director and director and heard an explanation about the surgery. I felt this way when I first received counseling, but the director said really necessary and realistic words. That's why I trusted the director even more and went into surgery. After the surgery, the director came to the hospital room, looked at my condition, and told me about the aftermath of the surgery. My mother came late, and she said that her mother was very grateful and touched that the director and manager explained her surgery so kindly. And she was able to watch the CCTV in real time, so her older sister watched it. She didn't know anything about orthognathic surgery, but she said she could see that the director had quick hands and was very good at performing the surgery. So I was able to focus on recovery with peace of mind after the surgery. Immediately after the surgery, I had to take a deep breath to remove gas, but I was extremely sleepy and my eyes kept closing, so my family woke me up. And more and more, pain beyond imagination begins to appear on my face. The pain of realigning your facial bones is not easy. It hurts more than you think. Mornings are really difficult. My throat and nose are so swollen that I can't breathe without a humidifier, sitting is difficult, and the pain in my face continues. However, I was able to endure it because a nurse came every hour throughout the morning to check my condition and change my ice pack. On the 2nd day, if you remove the blood bag when you urinate, it gets better. The pain in my face lessens little by little, but my face starts to swell a lot. On the second day, you will be taught how to practice while holding a wafer. He also told me to take a lot of walks around the hospital if my condition was good, so I walked for 10 minutes every hour. For me, moving rather than staying still helped me recover. Personally, Daiso sauce containers were more useful than paper cups when drinking water. I recommend taking it with you if you are going to have surgery. The director came from time to time to check on the patient's condition and explained it well to the guardian, so the family was able to receive care with peace of mind. Discharge and life after discharge Finally, the director will come to check your condition and advise you on how to live once you go home. You will be prescribed medication and discharged home. From this day until the 5th day, I was incredibly swollen. I woke up in the early morning because my face felt swollen. Because I have to sleep sitting down, it is not easy to get a good night's sleep in the early morning. I barely ate rice or liquids. Still, I made sure to walk for at least 30 minutes a day! I gradually increased the time I spent walking, and walking is the best for reducing swelling. I recommend that you do it diligently, no matter what! To be honest, I had some regrets until the 6th day, but after the 7th day, my condition improved greatly and the swelling started to go down, and I think I did a really good job with the surgery. It's been 2 weeks now, and my family is looking at my face and telling me that my facial shape has become really prettier and that the surgery went really well. Every time that happens, I am truly grateful to the director and feel so happy and lucky to have received surgery from him. I've had a really bad complex since I was young, I never had any positive thoughts about my face, and I used to get irritated every time I looked in the mirror, but now I'm really happy when I look in the mirror. Those who are concerned about their protruding chin may want to think positively about double jaw surgery. It's a scary surgery that costs a lot of money, but I have no regrets, I'm very satisfied, and I think I'll be able to live with confidence in the future!

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Unlike others, I always worried and was stressed about my overly large breasts, but this time I ended up getting reduction surgery. Director Kim Jae-woo of the Plastic Surgery Clinic is famous for breast reduction, so I got a consultation, and the consultation was very kind and I got the surgery. Before, because my breasts were big, clothes would fit too much, so I couldn't wear the style I wanted, it was hard to run, my neck hurt, and there were more than a few inconveniences in my daily life. But after the reduction surgery, everything, starting with the fit of clothes, seems to have improved, so I'm so happy these days. ㅎㅎ Above all, it's so light!!! I looked forward to the surgery, but I didn't know it would change this much, but it ended up being light!! I recommend reduction surgery to people with big breasts!!
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