Job Review

[Double Jaw] This is a 1-year review of double jaw surgery with the highest level of satisfaction! (+ pins removed)

Date 24.06.07 23:24:16 View 2,657
12 만원
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365 Days

Hello, it's already been over a year since I had double jaw surgery (ivro) and 2 types of contouring (square jaw and front jaw) :) (I had surgery on May 24th by Dr. Seokjae Lee at Y Oral) I was always worried about my jutting jaw and asymmetry. It's really ridiculous that I don't have that concern anymore. Before the surgery, there were frequent comments that I didn't know why my face was small enough, but I went to many dentists and heard a lot that it was difficult to do with orthodontic treatment, and I lived through the stress of asymmetry and jutting chin. I started orthodontic treatment before double jaw surgery and am still visiting the clinic for dental treatment after surgery :) Asymmetry was a big complex!! When you look at the right side of your face, they say, 'You look pretty or you look thin,' but when you look at the right side of your face, you look different or say, 'Have you gained weight?' Because of the asymmetry, the words and actions of people around me have left me with great wounds. So I always covered one side of my head because I was worried, and it became a habit to always lower my head to take pictures. Since I was young, I have been thinking that I must get counseling, and now is the time! So I had surgery after consulting several places. The reason I chose this place is because I felt the most trustworthy because the director only said what was necessary. Even after consulting with many places, this place kept coming to my mind. Now, a year later, I have no loss of sensation, smaller pores, pain or aftereffects. I recently had the pin removed :) My daily life remains unchanged after surgery. I'm continuing to work at my current job, and I'm eating well without worrying about the foods I want to eat (chicken, pig's trotters, octopus soup, etc.) :) However, I don't care if I turn my hair over so that I can see the right side, and do I care about my external appearance? The frequency has decreased. Friends around me even told me that my face got smaller, that they didn't know I had done it, and that they were glad I did! I had a hard time eating and eating well for two weeks due to IVRO, but I don't regret having the surgery!! It's been a year since I recently had surgery, so I take a year-long progress photo and visit the dentist once a month for dental care. I'm grateful that the director pays a lot of attention to whether my teeth are aligned well, whether they're corrected properly, and trimming my large teeth. The orthodontic treatment will soon be completed, so he told me to think about what I want and visit. I’m looking forward to finishing the proofreading as soon as possible! Thank you for reading this long post :)

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원장님 다른병원 있을때 수술한 친구가 원장님 추천해줘서 찾아보고 새로 개업하신 병원으로 오게됐어요! 친구는 인아웃으로 했는데 너무 잘됐고, 친구말로는 원장님이 인아웃 잘 뺀다고 했는데 제가 원하는건 세미아웃이지만 우선 상담만 받아보자 하고 갔어요! 상담하면서 꼼꼼, 차분, 친절하신 원장님과 원장님에 대한 신뢰, 존중 가득한 실장님 덕분에 대형병원보다는 여기서 해야지 마음먹고 여기로 당일에 바로 결정하고 날잡고 예약금 걸었습니당 저는 세미아웃원했는데 처음 상담한 날은 원래 제가 갖고있는 인아웃인듯 인라인인듯한 라인 추천해주셔서 아 욕심내면 안되는구나 생각하고 좀 아쉬웠지만 수긍하고 돌아갔어요.. 수술당일날 신슬기 사진 들고가서 세미아웃원한다고 하고 싶다고 다시 말씀드렸고 수술전 눈 디자인만 30분정도 했어요..ㅎㅎ 수술전에도 한쪽은 쌍커플있고 한쪽은 없는 짝눈이라 재수술도 쌍수전처럼 짝눈으로 풀려서 하게됐고 걱정되는게 무쌍인 눈이 걱정이 진짜 컸는데 오히려 라인잡았을때 무쌍인 눈이 더 맘에 들었어요 쌍커플있는 눈은 라인 크게 원했는데 무쌍눈 맞추느라 원래 갖고있는 라인에서 아주 살짝 위로 잡았어요!! 처음 상담날은 원장님이 세미아웃은 안될것같다고 했는데 수술하는날은 그래도 라인 잡힌다고 세미아웃으로 잡아주셨어요 엄마가 원장님이 해주는대로 가만히있으라고 신신당부했는데 제가 원하는 사진 들고가서 눈 보여주고 세미아웃했다고 하니깐 집에와서 엄마한테 잔소리 들었답니다,, 그치만 추구미가 있는데 어뜨케 ..ㅎㅎ 수면마취걸고 자연유착재수술+눈지방제거+전에쌍수해서 풀린 눈 안에 실 제거+눈밑지까지 해서 수술시간은 1시간 10분걸렸고 회복시간은 2~30분 가진거같아요! 수술실 간호사분 두 분 계셨는데 너무 친절하고 불편하지 않게 해주셨고, 수술 시작하기전에 원장님이 예쁘게 해드릴게요 하고 시작해주시는데 마음 편해지면서 잠들었던거 같아요. 아직 수술 후 1일차인데 쌍수한 친구들말로는 붓기도 별로 없고 라인 잘 잡힌거같다 그러고 제가봐도 괜찮은거같아요…ㅎㅎ 제발 붓기 풀리면 예상이 맞길ㅎㅎ 아 그리고 병원 진짜 깨끗하고 수술복에서도 깨끗한 좋은냄새나고 회복실도 수술실도 정말 깔끔합니당
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