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[Double Jaw] I had surgery for my temporomandibular joint, but it turned out to be a doll line..!

Date 24.04.17 22:26:35 View 2,509
12 만원
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94 Days

Hello , I had double jaw surgery and 2 types of contouring (square jaw + front jaw) on January 15th. If you look at the reviews, there are many people similar to me.. Since middle school, I have been tired of hearing that orthodontic treatment cannot solve the problem. To be honest , I didn't think much of it when I was young, but after entering high school and becoming an adult, I became even more greedy for surgery, and since I like decorating myself so much, I always felt regretful about the lower crown!  Until my early to mid-20s, the reason for the surgery was mainly for cosmetic purposes, but before I knew it, I started to feel that my jaw joint was becoming more and more distorted, and I couldn't sleep because my jaw was sore, and I started making crackling noises when I opened my mouth wide, and I found myself feeling more and more functionally uncomfortable. That 's it . I had the surgery at Waigugang, and it's already been 3 months! My daily life has become much easier in the first and second months, and I can still feel the swelling going down. I'm eating quite freely now! Meat has become easier to chew, and I can eat it without difficulty unless I bite into hard ice or candy! Since I'm undergoing orthodontic treatment, there are some foods that I have to avoid for fear of getting stuck in my teeth, but chewing is no longer a problem. Before the surgery, I really hated photos taken by others, but now I feel that rear camera photos come out better than selfies, so I'm most satisfied with that . I'm happy that everyone tells me that my face is too small. And it's amazing that there are no dents or sinus problems that are typical of orthognathic surgery, so no one would know I had surgery until I told them first. I guess the director's skills are that good. I think it's becoming more established as time goes by!! If you, like me, can't get correction or have bad jaw joints, consider surgery like I did!!

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