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[양악돌출입] It's been 5 days since I had surgery on my protruding mouth..Late period~

Date 06.08.02 22:25:13 View 4,108

My wish is to apply a thick lipstick on my lips.. How thick are the lips and the mouth protrudes? Besides, the lines on the lips are not clear.. So when I apply lipstick, I can only see the lips ㅠㅠ So I always wear a lot of lip gloss. When I put it on, it looks like I ate pork.. My boyfriend and I said, "You must have had a lot of dissatisfaction when you were young?" He joked around like this~~ He was joking, but I was really hurt, so I was really excited and decided to have the surgery! !!!!! I did it at ㅇㄸ in Gangnam... I went to the hospital a lot in the beginning. In front Gujeong-dong, pi o ㅇ (Kang Hye-jeong's surgery place) ㅇㄹ ㅇ ... etc... After consulting, I chose ㅇㄸ... Now I made a good choice. I think!! I hope other people also choose well... Actually, am I the only one who swelled up like this after surgery? If you look at the reviews, you can see a mouth that has gone in right away.. But I thought that maybe it was because my lips were very swollen.. Not now.. To be more specific. On the day of surgery... After getting hit, I entered the operating room and lay on the operating table. I was so scared that I was about to give up on the operation. But when I woke up immediately from anesthesia, the surgery was over... I couldn't move my mouth.. I was really surprised.. The nurse unnie gave me a pack telling me to put on ice, and I worked really hard.. I want to pour But my mouth doesn't hurt, but my neck hurts more. They said it hurts under anesthesia, and the pain goes away in 2-3 days. It really is~ I gargled and got injections and watched TV all day..I couldn’t eat anything all day~ Ah~Well, looking at the reviews of people who did it at other hospitals…they said they were afraid that painkillers injections were so painful..I got Ringer and just the same needle I didn't get sick one or two after taking it... lol The second day, the third day... The next day I went home from the hospital.. He kindly gave me nutritional supplements because I didn't eat before going. It swells up~ The nurse said that she didn't swell too much... It's so cute that only her lips stick out because of the pressure on the tape . When I asked, they said that I could eat rice too, but I was so timid and scared so I kept eating only milk and porridge. On the fourth day...the swelling has finally gone away..The face line is coming back.It seems to have subsided almost except around the mouth..It's really exciting~~I can eat a little bit of food now . I give it to you.. It doesn't hurt one or two if the nurse unnie let it go~ lol Day 5....I finally took off the tape and looked in the mirror, and it was amazingly my mouth went in....Actually, before the tape was released, my mouth still came out, but I was very worried... When I came back to my original place, the line came back to life. The lips that seemed to be swollen are thinner than before, and I have a lip line that I didn't have before. Impressed~~~ There is still a lot of swelling, but I'm really satisfied with this~~~^^ I still have a feeling of tightness around my mouth as if it's not my age, but it seems to come back naturally after about a month. ^ I haven't pulled the stitches yet.. I'm happy with just this amount~ I'm sure you'll keep getting prettier??? When the swelling subsides and fully recovers~ I will definitely wear a pretty lipstick~ I'll post a pre-surgery photo and post-operative photo in the photo room!!

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축하드려요..전 벌써 3개월 됐네요. 전 턱끝도 했는데.. 님도 턱끝하셨나요?
얼얼한거는 쫌 지나면 괜찮아져요. 큰수술받은 건데 그정도 쯤이야..ㅎㅎ
전 남자라 이런말 쑥스럽지만 입술선이 진짜 선명해지고 예뻐? 암튼 전보다 훨씬좋아요. 빨리 회복하세요.
06-08-03 11:33
으흐흐~!^^ㅊㅋㅊㅋ~왠지 제가 한것마냥 기븐이 좋아지네여~^^
궁금한게있는데요. 그 테잎이 잇몸에다 붙이나요??
아님 외형에다 붙이는건가요??
06-08-03 11:38
전 내일 2주 경과보러가요.
축하드리구요 빨리 회복하세요.
06-08-03 11:47
테잎은 피부에 붙여요.. 첨에 붓지말라구 하는거라했던거 같아요.
06-08-03 11:57
축하드려요 . 혹시 가격 쪽지좀 부탁드려요.
저도 거기서 수술 받으려고 고민중이더든요..
06-08-03 12:01
넘 부러워요. 저도 수술 받으려고 병원 알아보다 일이 생겨서 보류됐거든요.
굉장히 만족하시나봐요. 저도 그랬음 좋겠어요.
용기를 내서 다시 상담 받으러 가봐야겠네요.너무너무 부러워요
저도 비용 쪽지좀 부탁드릴께요.
06-08-03 12:10
이름 너무 우껴요..^^;; 저도 ㅇㄸ 좋아하지만..너무 노골적이네요..ㅋㅋ
06-08-03 23:18
수술하고 너무 흥분해서 바로 가입하고 후기 올렷는데..올리고 보니까 이름 바꾸고 싶은데 바꿀수가 없어요,,,방법을 모르겠는데..ㅠㅠ 이름 바꾸는 법 아시면 좀 가르쳐 주세요~
06-08-04 00:32
저..갑자기 넘 궁금해서 질문있는데요~ 이런질문해도될지모르겠다만.;;;
혹-! 수술시 뼈는 전기톱?으로 자르는걸까요..??;; 그냥 갑작스레 궁금해서요
아시는 분 계실지..^^;;ㅎㅎㅎ 어떠한 방법으로 수술을 진행하는지 항상 혼자 상상하고 궁금했거든요.;;ㅎㅎㅎ
06-08-04 10:54
아~사진방에 사진 올리신 분이군뇨. 암튼 축하드려요^^
06-08-04 13:30
전기톱?? 새삼스레 겁난다. 그냥 수술용 톱으로?? 쓱싹쓱싹 ㅋㅋ
06-08-04 18:54
고생하셨구요~ 어여 회복하세요
16-04-14 18:02
용기가 대단하세요
16-06-13 16:45
Taco Plastic Surgery Clinic
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턱끝전진+지방이식 수술하고 2달차 되어서 후기 한번 더 남겨요 수술은 자연스럽게 잘되고 감각 거의 다 돌아왔고 부작용 없이 잘 살고 있어요 무엇보다 원장님이 인간적으로 너무 좋으세요 수술하고도 변함없이 잘 챙겨주시고 친절하신데 경과 보러 갈 때마다 계속 얼굴 뵜고 입안 실밥도 직접 핀셋들고 뽑아주셔서 감동했어요 2달차 경과 보러 얼마 전에 다녀왔는데 약간 신경쓰이는것들 솔직하게 말씀드렸더니 환자 입장에서 충분히 납득하고 안심할 수 있게 설명해주셨고 보톡스도 놔주시는 등 서비스도 챙겨주셨어요 누구나 만족하는 완벽한 병원은 없다지만 개인적으로는 심한 무턱으로 살던 제 인생의 변곡점이라 할 수 있을 만큼 수술결과도 충분히 만족스럽고 첫 상담부터 사후관리까지 원장님께서 친절하고 세심하게 케어해주셔서 비싼돈 주고 내돈내산인데도 감사한 마음이 정말 커요 많고 많은 병원들이랑 원장님들 중 타코에서 원장님께 수술받을 수 있었던건 정말 행운인 것 같아요 정말 감사합니다.
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