Job Review

[치아교정] I finally got laminated too!! (with photo)

Date 09.05.13 11:09:39 View 7,857

I didn't have bad teeth, but because of my rabbit teeth and gum asymmetry, they didn't look good every time I took a picture, so after worrying for a few years, I ended up getting laminate treatment. I had 7 upper teeth laminated + skirt whitening + gum plastic surgery. I had root canal treatment on the two front teeth. (I heard that if you don't do it, it may hurt) At the first consultation, I thought I only went for 4 upper teeth, but considering the space and combination with the people next to me, I was told that 6 would be appropriate. One of my left lateral incisors is an implant tooth. So, contrary to my expectations, the number increased from 4 to 6... (pressure of price ㅜ^ㅜ). While I was doing this, I asked for the same tooth that was crowned on the left side, so I paid for the total. There are now 7. After that, when the mold is made, the model of my teeth comes out like a plaster statue(?), and the shape of the teeth to be molded in the future is added to the model . It was so amazing to see my teeth, which I was always used to, change into small and neat ones... I wish it would be like this soon. Just.. haha, I just got anxious~ They trimmed the teeth to that shape and attached temporary teeth on top of them. The temporary teeth were less noticeable than expected and looked real, so there was no inconvenience in living there. (However, due to the pigmentation, it looked like curry. (They say you can't eat it.) If you go back after about 10 days, a tooth made of porcelain will come out. After the temporary teeth are removed, they will lightly place it on my teeth and ask if you like the shape. Look closely and then decide. I like it~ Please just say it’s pretty! As I thought to myself, the treatment is finally over~~~ Ah! I did it... but... the director looked at it and said that the axis of my front teeth was slightly shifted to the left. It wasn't noticeable, but if it was okay, I would wait 3-4 more days and fix it again... ㅠㅠ Ugh. ~ Still, since these are teeth that will have to be placed for about 10 to 15 years... I thought it would be better to listen to the director's advice... so I had no choice but to put temporary teeth back in and return home. Because of the anesthesia, the area around the room was completely blocked...ㅠㅠ It was even more embarrassing because I had to be alone. Then, after 3-4 days, the treatment was completely completed and I came back~ haha ​​After all the procedures, I feel great now~! When I first got temporary teeth, maybe because I had to grind my teeth, it was a bit sore and I couldn't get used to it, so I couldn't even eat ramen. , Now, it's not 100% like my old teeth, but about 80-90% of them feel like my own teeth. They say that after about 6 months to 1 year, it will become stronger and more comfortable. Although it was a bit expensive, I am still very satisfied with it now. If it's just a little bit disappointing, I wonder if the color should have been whiter, but if I had made it whiter, it wouldn't harmonize with my lower teeth and would look unnatural... I think it looks whiter in real life than in the photo. But people are really treacherous~ The first time I got temporary teeth, they were really pretty!! The person looked different!! It used to be like this, but as time passed, I became more and more used to the shape, so wasn't it originally like this? It happened like this. Yesterday, when I was looking at the before and after photos I received from the dentist, did my teeth look like this? I felt deep regret once again because of this. I am uploading a frontal photo and a photo of the right and left sides. ^^ (I think the before plastic surgery pictures on the left are a little bigger~ I think my front teeth weren't that big to begin with...-_-;; haha)

대빵이's More Posts
Cmts 65
I read the detailed review carefully. Please give me some information about the cost and hospital. Did you get sick? ㅠㅠ
09-05-14 13:23
It's pretty~~ Some information~~
09-05-16 14:01
I'm also interested in laminate... First of all, you can clearly see the change. Of course, it gets better after the procedure. very! I would also like some information!! Even the location of the hospital!
09-05-17 01:08
Could you please give me more detailed information? Did you ever get your teeth removed? I've been worried since I heard you'll have a hard time later...ㅠ.ㅠ I heard it's not good for your gums either...ㅠ.ㅠ Please give me some information~
09-05-18 18:40
Please give me information on the cost. Did you have a lot of pain when you did it? ㅠ
09-05-19 15:57
Please give me some information too~~~~~
09-05-20 15:17
Please give me more detailed information...
09-05-23 08:19
Didn’t it hurt a lot? I want to do it, but I’m a little scared. Could you please give me information on the cost and method of gum plastic surgery? ^^
09-05-25 18:34
It worked out so beautifully! I would also like detailed information. About hospitals, costs, etc...!
09-05-26 22:47
It's so cool. Please give me some information;
09-05-27 13:31
Please give me some information.
09-05-30 22:31
Oh, it's the same as J's..... Please give me some information too. It worked out beautifully ^^*
09-05-31 22:28
It's so pretty~ Please give me some information too
09-06-01 11:53
You look so pretty~ I would like to ask you for information about the hospital and the cost~~
09-06-01 22:24
Wow, it worked out great! Please give me some information^^
09-06-05 23:13
Please give me some information~ㅜ
09-06-08 01:11
Please also tell me the price and hospital information.. ;ㅁ;
09-06-08 10:57
Please give me the price and hospital information as well~~
09-06-09 01:10
You look pretty! Please give me the price and hospital information too ^^
09-06-09 22:36
That's all the information ^ ^ What's the recovery period like? Also, I’m curious about the price.. The shape of your front teeth seems a bit similar to mine.. I don’t have protruding teeth either. These days, when I look at my straight teeth, they look so pretty.
09-06-09 23:10
But, were fake teeth added after you did it? Look at the explanation, I didn't understand it well, so they didn't just remove the tooth and put in a fake one, right??
09-06-09 23:11
I also need some information about the cost. But how do you do the laminate?
09-06-10 06:30
Laminate can be thought of as the same method as attaching artificial nails to fingernails, but you can think of it as slightly grinding the surface of the original tooth and attaching it with a very thin porcelain tooth. Implants are when you remove a tooth and implant a fake one..^^
09-06-10 09:52
Hmm, I want to do it too ㅠㅠ It costs over 100 per tooth.. Where did you get it done and how much did it cost, please tell me the cost~~
09-06-11 14:40
Please tell me the cost ^^
09-06-11 22:24
Please tell me the price~~
09-06-14 14:27
Please give me information too^^
09-06-14 16:32
Good job!! Congratulations haha ​​some information..^^
09-06-15 03:04
I'm also thinking about laminate right now ;;; Please give me some information~ I think I will be happy if I become like you ㅜ.ㅜ
09-06-18 09:53
Please tell me the price and hospital ^^
09-06-20 12:10
Your teeth are so pretty. Please give me some information~
09-06-20 16:29
Did you get 6 front teeth done?? I am planning to do the same, please give me some information.
09-06-20 21:02
-----------------------------------------I have given you the information up to this point-
09-06-22 09:16
Information please ^^
09-06-26 14:27
Please also give me information about the hospital and prices~^^
09-06-26 22:04
Does laminate only last 10-15 years? So what happens next?
09-06-27 01:54
도와주세요 제발
Please give me information. I will send you a message^^
09-06-29 04:06
Since laminate is semi-permanent, I understand that it has a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. There may be individual differences depending on how you manage it, but it will need to be replaced after that. It makes you look pretty in a short period of time, but when you look at the cost, it is a bit burdensome;; I heard that if you take good care of it, it can last up to 20 years, but I'm still new so I'm not sure haha.
09-06-30 17:02
Oh, please give me some information too! You’re so pretty.
09-07-07 09:24
Please also tell me the hospital and the price. I think you're doing really well. I'm jealous ㅠㅠ
09-07-08 03:25
Please give me some information too. You’re so pretty. I’m jealous ㅜㅜ
09-07-08 20:21
Please let me know the hospital information and price too~~ It's so pretty...
09-07-09 13:45
Please give me some information too.
09-07-13 17:54
Please tell me the information and cost>
09-07-13 22:29
It's so pretty. Please give me the cost and information.
09-07-15 07:46
Please tell me the cost ^^
09-07-16 20:09
저랑 비슷하신거 같네여~~저도 정보좀 부탁합니다~!
09-07-20 18:08
저도 비용이랑 병원 좀 알려주세요ㅠ
09-07-22 02:04
저도 비용이랑 병원정보 부탁드려요/...
09-07-22 20:06
저도 비용이랑 병원정보 부탁드릴께요
09-07-24 21:20
저도 비용이랑 병원정보 부탁드려요!
09-07-25 21:07
정보좀 주세요 ~ 넘 잘되셨네요 ㅋ
09-07-27 15:59
너무 예쁘네요~정보 부탁드려요~^^
09-07-27 20:58
너무 잘되셨네요~저도 병원정보랑 비용 알려주세요^^
09-07-27 21:44
병원이랑 개당가격 등 정보 부탁드려요 ㅠㅠ
09-07-31 01:10
저도 병원정보랑 가격좀 ..님과 같이 이 상태가 그런데요 제발 알려주세요 특히 가격두요 감사합니다 ..
09-08-01 00:07
저두 병원이랑 비용이랑..정보 부탁드려요^^
09-08-03 21:58
저도 병원이라 비용정보좀요~
09-08-05 22:14
예쁘게 되신거 우선 축하드려요.
궁금한게 있는데요. 크라운이었던거 라미네이트로 하신거에요?
라미네이트는 앞에쪽 갈아서 붙이는거구 크라운은 전체적으로 얇게 갈아서 씌우는건데 어떻게 하신건가요? 저도 크라운으로 한게 있어서 궁금합니다.
님처럼 저도 가지런한데 살짝 덧니가 있거든요. 이것 땜시 교정할까? 라미네이트 할까? 고민이었어요. 치아 삭제량이 많으면 넘 안좋을것 같아서 계속 고민중

가격이랑 병원 정보 부탁드려요~
시잡 가기전에 못해봤던거 해보려구요.^^
09-08-06 14:13
저두 비용 정보좀 부탁드려요~ 예쁘게 잘되셨네요
09-08-08 22:28
와~ 정말 잘됏네요
저도 궁금해요 가격과 정보좀 보내주세요
15-09-10 13:43
* 비밀글 입니다.
15-11-26 17:13
예뻐요~많이 아픈가요,.,?
16-03-28 15:15
치아가 너무 이뻐지셨슴다 ^^
16-04-14 18:04
가지런해서 보기좋아요!
16-07-16 01:49
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