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[안면윤곽후기] 4 and a half months later on the cheekbones... Will the open part stick?

Date 12.08.09 20:23:21 View 3,037

When I took a 3d ct scan, only half of one side was attached to partial nonunion (requirement...but half is attached,,I don't care much because the gap seems to be about 2mm in the opened half) One side of the problem is only the fixed part attached and that The upper part opened up... (This side seems to have a gap of 3 to 4 mm at the point where it opened the most.) In the hospital, 5 mm or less is filled with fibrous tissue, and then the fibrous tissue becomes ossified and 2 to 3 years later It's supposed to turn into bones. I'm so... I'm thinking about reoperation. I live in a half-attached place, so it's okay, but I'm anxious about the one with only a fixed point........ Is there anyone like me whose widened bones are filled with bones after a long time... I believed that word and waited for several years... I 'm afraid my bones will melt... so I don't know what to do now..... I don't know if they'll melt, so I need to do another surgery, or if there 's a gap that much, it's better not to have surgery... And those who had surgery inside their mouth, but those who have all the cheekbones attached. ...I am truly envious. Whether it's an incision in the mouth or an incision on the scalp,,,The cheekbones are a three-dimensional structure, so it's difficult to attach them completely.

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12-08-09 21:15
저는 두피절개해서 입안절개에 대한 건 뭐라 말씀드릴수 없구요. 두피절개를 해도 완전히 붙은수 없다는 말이 사실이라면 저도 좀 걱정이 되네요.
저는 수술10일째 실밥다 뽑고 11일째 엑스레이 찍었거든요. 잘 고정되고 이쁘게 줄어든 광대를 엑스레이상으로 보고 왔습니다.
3개월후 잘 붙었는지 확인하러 오라고 하시던데..그때 다시 글 남겨볼게요.
병원홈피 후기에서 2년,3년되신분들 보면 뼈 잘붙고 걱정없이 만족해하며 사시던데... 아참! 재수술 글들도 많이 봤었는데요.. 만약 재수술을 결정하셨다면 하루라도 빨리 하시는게 좋대요.. 구축현상때문에 그렇다고 알고있는데 ..좀더 적극적으로 알아보세요.
12-08-10 14:38
어떻게 하셨나요?ㅜ
24-01-30 11:33
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