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[안면윤곽후기] Fat transplantation + fat repositioning under the eyes after 3 years of contemplation

Date 11.01.09 22:59:36 View 4,543

In conclusion, I think it would be better to receive it when you are even one year old.. I am in my mid-thirties, and I have a lot of heartache from studying, so I am aging quickly.. I have grown old from my late 20s . I was afraid of one thing, so I just put it off.. If I don't do it now, I don't think it will last forever, so I went to Seoul on December 30th and did it.. The surgery itself wasn't as scary as I thought. . I had a hard time opening my eyes because of the weight on my forehead.. I had a flat forehead, so even though I put a lot of it, the swelling went down and then it swelled up again and again. I drank 3-5 packs on average , so there are a lot of people who went to work 3 or 4 days after the procedure, but I don't understand it... The swelling is almost gone, but I don't think it's pretty. Awkward.. Just the appearance of an old woman who has gained some weight? I'll have to wait a little longer, but I'm worried because the fat repositioning on the left doesn't seem to work well.. The right side is not flat, but the left side is a bit bumpy . It feels stiff, but I hope the swelling subsides well and returns to my natural eyes. My skin is... really messed up because I couldn't get rid of dead skin cells... Since my skin needs to be exfoliated at least twice a week, I just love it today, apply Charmzone Cream, rub it gently to remove dead skin cells, and wash with Shiseido foam . .. It's become a mandeul man.. It was a review without any exaggeration.. Everyone be pretty.

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11-01-10 00:05
참 솔직하신 후기인것 같아요. 신뢰가 가는 글이네요. ^^정보좀 부탁합니다.
11-01-10 13:13
ㅋㅋ 정보좀 주세여~~~ ^^
11-01-10 17:01
저는 따로 병원정보는 안 드릴게요..^^: 성예사가 상업화된 분위기는 있지만 3-4년전부터 정보 많이 얻었던 곳이라 보은하는 김에 소감을 솔직하게 적은거에요..
11-01-11 00:09
정보좀 주세용 저희같이 같은 고민에 힘든사람들을 위해서
그게 보은하는것 ㅠㅠ
11-01-13 00:12
후기 덧붙이자면 현재 26일정도 되었는데 양볼의 무거움은 사라졌지만 웃을 때는 양쪽광대위쪽으로 땡기는 현상은 여전히 있고.. 웃는게 부자연스러워요
눈밑도 아직도 왼쪽은 어색하고...
이마랑 턱은 거의 10% 남고 다 빠졌고 빵빵하게 넣었던 볼도 한 30%남았는데
볼은 빨리 더 빠졌으면 좋겠어요.. 어색하고 더 늙어보이네요...
11-01-25 00:33
이마랑 턱은 맘에 들어요.. 2차땐 볼은 안 넣고 이마랑 턱만 넣을 거에요..
셀카 찍으면 사진발은 훨 낫지만... 아직은 어색해서 모자 안 쓰고는 누구 만나기는 싫네요.. 나중에 또 후기 남길게요
11-01-25 00:35
눈밑지방재배치 ㅇㅓ디병원에서하셧어용?
11-02-10 09:36
눈밑지방재배치.어디서. 하셨나뇨
17-04-30 23:16
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