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[안면윤곽후기] I think my skin is hereditary. After Mixto...

Date 10.12.03 02:18:05 View 2,303

I hated the acne scars that looked like enlarged pores around my nose and cheeks after squeezing out very small pimples with my hands, so while I was considering dermatological treatment, I saw a review of Mixto at Sungyesa and was moved to get it... I paid 180 won or so three times, but I think it was 2 million won.. I was so desperate that I think I paid that kind of money expecting a big effect at the time ... Now, even with 10,000 won, my hands are sore..? Haha. But after receiving it for the first time, I can tolerate the pain. It was worth it. It was worth it to have the dead skin cells peeled off for a week, and after the regenerative treatment, my face became brighter by a tone. I thought, wow! But even though my skin tone became brighter , I had to say that it had little effect on the pores. I thought I shouldn't get full after the first drink, so I took the remaining 2nd and 3rd rounds. I went to the hospital consistently, making appointments over time and trying my best ... but the bottom line is that it is extremely difficult to see results from any kind of peeling treatment for pores, and I feel like my skin has improved for a while, but it doesn't. It is not a proper solution for the skin... If you have high expectations for your pores , please do not expect results from Mixto or other peeling treatments. I guess I should have used that money to get my eyes done.. Haha, I regret it later... So , when I saw reviews of Mixto that often came up after that, I felt like my skin got better just by applying sunscreen, but... well, after a few months, my skin returned to its original state. It always comes back ... I wonder what I was hoping for with 3 treatments, but when I think about it again, I wonder how many treatments it takes to reduce pores. I think it will be more than 10, but I definitely don't have the large pores that others call orange, but I have porcelain skin. I'm dreaming haha. My pores aren't that big, and it's just a little annoying that foundation gets stuck in my pores when I put on makeup . But after a few months, it's become a reality. A person with good skin is good whether he smokes or drinks heavily. The truth that skin is hereditary... It makes me sad haha . Looking at the reviews, I wonder if the mixto is really effective or if I'm the only one who didn't see the results... Haha or the reviews . I'm confused as to whether a lot of people are posting reviews because of the article written on the hospital mirror that says you can win one free treatment if you post ... Among those who post reviews, I'd also like to see reviews from a few months later ~ If, on the contrary, there are people who have great results compared to me, I'd like to do it again. .You can’t stop walking to get the mixto, right? Weird... haha ​​Even if I come to the hospital later, I'm scared that if the hospital staff reads this, they might feel bad and make me really sick -_ㅜ I won't do that... haha.

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ㅎㅎ정말 솔직한 후기이신 것 같습니다! 성예사에 앞으로 이런글 더 많아졌으면 좋겠어요~ 요즘 성예사보면 븨럭허 너무 많은 것 같아요 ㅠ
10-12-03 02:36
정말 진솔한 후기네요..많은이에게 도움이되고,,저에게도,,,감사
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저도 피부에 프락셀 등등으로 거의 성형과 맞먹는 돈을 쓴 사람인데
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확실히 피부 진짜 유전인듯.. 저도 사춘기땐 피부걱정 하나없는 사람이었는데 왠걸 성인되고나서 급격한 스트레스로 성인여드름 폭발하고 나선 ..ㄷㄷㄷㄷ피부 진짜 모공크리 트러블을 달고 삽니다.사춘기때도 안나던 여드름이 왜 나이 들어나는지 ...알고보니 저희 아빠가 사춘기때 여드름 엄청 나셨었다는...피부과에서 여드름은 유전이 가장 크다고..ㅠㅜ 왜 형제중에 나만 이러는지...아빠 유전자를 넘 많이 받았나봐요..제가 피부과도 다녀보고 피부에 남들이 좋다는건 다 해봤다고 해도 과언이 아닌데...진짜 기본적인게 젤 좋은거같아요.피부과에서 레이져치료받고 시술받아도 그때뿐이고 피부만 예민해지고 얇아지고..집에서 천연팩하면서 스트레스 안받고 피부에 좋은 음식들 섭취하면서 규칙적인 생활하는게 가장 좋더라구요..모공은 진짜 방법이 없구요..한번 늘어난건 어쩔수 없더라구요..
10-12-03 15:23
저도 프락셀이며 피부관리며 꾸준히 받았는데요, 돌아옵디다,,
저도 모공이 젋은편 절대 아닌데 다 돌아와요,,
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