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[안면윤곽후기] Review of facial breathing (Tenor, lifting, Accu questions)

Hey Girl
Date 10.08.07 06:18:16 View 6,462

My skin condition is thick, oily, and saggy The nasolabial folds are very prominent on the left side The overall impression is saggy ㅠㅠ Even when I was young, I had excess cheeks and nasolabial folds... I applied fat to my forehead and also to my nasolabial area, but it had no effect It would be effective if you have nasolabial folds but don't have cheek fat Then I found out about Jiheup... At another hospital, I was told that I couldn't breathe in that part of my cheekbones. They said everything was done here... so my whole face was sore... It took about an hour and immediately after the procedure The nasolabial area was flowing smoothly as if it were full of water The chin area is really craving I got a yellow bruise while using a cold compress, so I switched to a warm compress Minor swelling disappears in about a week... No problem in living... It's been almost 2 months since the surgery and there is no effect haha All the kids in the state are getting fat injections They told me it was because I was breathing... They said I was making money But I'm really stressed out about it so I'm trying to get rid of it I did that too... but it didn't work I don't know if it's still in progress, but sometimes I get stuck and solve it From the cheek area to the nasolabial area, it hurts and hurts... I'm so scared I'm going to die ㅠㅠ It hurts when I press it hard with my hand It's so thick that it's completely thick If you have a lot of jowls on your face, it will work well However, for those who have ambiguous chin fat like me Not so much... ㅠㅠ I also went for an Accu consultation because of my chin... but they said it would be effective There are so many people who say Accu is not effective, so I don't know what to do It is said that there is an Accu effect on saggy nasolabial folds due to fat grafting But I was born like this since I was young... In a chat with Accuro, I was told to think about getting fillers.... I don't think you'll find anyone who has had sagging face lifting while having a lot of cheeks ㅠㅠ They say thread lifting is not effective I saw someone who had plate lifting and the scar behind the ear was no joke and the nasolabial folds were the same Oh, they said I had a good tenor, so I was receiving treatment and it was so hot that I almost ran out ㅠㅠ I see a lot of people doing classic lifting in the facial surgery photo room. Where did you get it done? Royal Palace ㅠㅠ

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이지리프팅 햇어요. 짐 2주넘었구요. 전 볼살이 쳐져서 햇는데 효과는 봤어요, 나중에 어케
10-08-07 10:31
Hey Girl
이지리프팅두 실로 땡기는건가요?
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