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[안면윤곽후기] Mid-frequency review

Date 08.07.07 14:36:20 View 1,742

I did mid-frequency treatment two months ago. Before doing this, I came here a lot and looked at the information, but there wasn't much mid-frequency, so I thought I'd leave a comment. I am satisfied with the result. From the front, you can clearly see that it has become slimmer, but from the side, it is the same. Hmm - maybe that's why more people say they lost weight than people ask if I had surgery.. haha ​​But it was really hard as the result was. Well, it might be less than shaving my jaw bone... (I haven't tried it;;) First of all, when the procedure was done... Even though I was anesthetized, I felt very swollen... I don't like the feeling of it being inserted into my cheek... Do I feel dizzy? Then, after the surgery, I was swollen all the way home. It was swollen the next day, and the next day again. If I were to wonder if it could be more swollen than this, it would swell even more... It probably swelled up for about 4 days, but it subsided a bit on the 5th day. After receiving the swelling injection for a week, the swelling in my cheeks suddenly went down. After that, the muscles that were there before were no longer felt and the bones could be felt, and the frontal area changed a lot. After a while, my face started to look like a gourd, right under my cheekbones, but now it's getting better. It was difficult to chew food after the procedure. Actually, there were times when I stopped chewing because I was afraid that if I chewed too hard, things would go back to the way they were before... but as time went by, I started chewing again as a habit. For a month, my mouth only opened about a finger's width, so I went back a month later and got a swelling injection. After that, I started making a lot of money. Two and a half fingers? Haha, it will get better in the future;; Even with two, I don't feel any inconvenience in my life - lol Anyway, I'm still living without feeling any inconvenience. Still, I can't be at peace with the side effects that are still scary. I will have to worry about it for the rest of my life. I also think I need to always think and be careful. I was worried for no reason, but what if it happens one day? Still, it will take a few years to find out - Since the mid-frequency wave doesn't come out much, I'm leaving a few words and sharing it... I don't have the courage to take a picture... I'm afraid someone will recognize it even if I mosaic it - haha;; Oh, and since I'm trying to share an article about the surgery process or something, I'll decline any inquiries about the hospital. Sorry^^

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저도 수요일에 하는데 걱정되는군여. 모두들 효과는있다고하시니 안심입니다도저히 뼈를깍을용기는안나서요. 보톡스는 효과는있지만 너무금방끝나고
이미끝나셔서 기간이 지나신게 부럽네요ㅠ
08-07-07 15:31
정보부탁해요.. 저두 보톡스 맞는거 지겹네요 ㅎㅎ
08-07-07 18:03
중주파 후기 읽고싶었는데 고맙습니다. 전 턱근육이 오른쪽에 과다하게 많아서 -_- 볼근육도;; 중주파나 고주파 하다 턱신경 다칠수도 있다고 해서 걱정되서 못하고 있어요. 병원은 아니더라도 얼만지 알 수 있을까요?
08-07-07 19:32
저도 유명한 중주파하는곳에서 했는데 다른분들말다믿고요.. 결국 턱깍았어요..근육있으신분들은효과본다고하죠 보톡스맞아보고 아예해버리자하고하실거에요...하지만.ㅠ 1년정도 지나니까.. 어느정도 40 ~60정도는 돌아오드라구요.. 5개월전까지만해도 안만져지던 근육이 다시 악물면.. 올라오구요.. 어느정도 그전보다야 완벽히 돌아오진안겠지만..돌아와요..전 거기다 비대칭해써서... 그래서 아예 턱깍아버려써용.;
08-07-08 00:34
romance님/ 수술잘되실거예요. 꼭 이쁜얼굴 가지세요.^^
이쁘면다당님/ 정보는 가격만 말씀드려요. 150
울셀리님/ 저도 신경이랑 근육같이 한것 같은데...저도 제가 하고도 잘모르겠어요.;; 교근축소수술이거 종아리에 해서 잘못되서 티비에 나온거 봤는데 무섭더군요- 전 수술 한 다음에 보아서;; 암튼 그거보구 시겁했어요;; 신경건드리는거 무서움-ㄷㄷ; 신경건드리면 입술도 마비되고 암튼 안면신경 손상이 올수도 있대요. 뭐 수술도 운이 좋아야 하는거 같아요.. ㅜㅡㅜ 잘 알아보고 하시길..
dy2450님/ 저도 다시 올라올까봐 걱정되긴 하는데.. 지금 당장은 좋네요..;;^^이게 앞면은 확실히 표가나는데 옆면이 표가 잘안나 사실 턱깎는것도 또 땡기네요.. 근데 수술하고 나서 관리하고 그러는게 더 힘들고 귀찮을것 같아서.. 사람마다 어느 수술에 따라 보는 효과가 다른것 같아요..^^
08-07-08 11:36
저도 dy2450님이랑 같은상황입니다. 중주파한지 6개월 넘어가는데 근육 서서히 다시 올라오네요 .. 차라리 근육절제술을 추천..
08-07-20 15:15
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