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[안면윤곽후기] Is European Botox genuine?

Date 08.02.26 15:18:32 View 1,637

What is the difference between American and European products? When I read the article here, it said that the American product was genuine. Last weekend, my friend and I went together and the European product, Botox, was called ''D?J''. Anyway, it was in a small glass bottle.. A piece of genuine authentication paper in a paper bag. There was something like a sticker on it... The bottle cap was white... My friend and I got it for 460,000 won... It's not a trustworthy world these days... Haha. Actually, I have to say it's from Europe so I can trust it... The glass bottle has English on it. They said it was just written there haha ​​First of all, the hospital said it was made in Europe... I shouldn't worry, right? It's been less than a week since I got it, so there's no effect yet. They say the effect will appear in about 2 weeks.. I’m looking forward to it haha.

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정품이란 표현이 혼용되는데.. 미국산,유럽산,한국산,중국산 많은데,, 제일 비싼건 미국산이고, 미국산을 많이 선호하긴해요. 문제는 많은 성형외과에서 값싼 국산,중국산을 쓰면서 미국산이라고 말한다는거죠. 이럴때 (미국산)정품아니다, 이렇게 말을 하더라구요.. 정품이 아닌게 문제가 아니라 의사가 거짓말하는게 문제죠.. 유럽산을 쓰면서 유럽산이라고 말하면 양심적인거죠.. 사실 양심적인게 아니라 당연한건데... 미국산하고 다른거 섞어쓰면서도 미국산 쓴다고 말하는 의사도 많아요.
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