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[안면윤곽후기] I finally did facial contouring~ Really detailed experiences..

Date 08.02.24 14:34:01 View 6,287

I still can't believe that I underwent surgery . On the day of the operation, I was fine , but seeing my face and condition after the operation, I felt a sense of reality . I hung up and didn't go, and I worried too much, so it was the truth in a word from the hospital's point of view ^^; The hospitals that had been narrowed down after agonizing over 2 years were BP, ㅁㅅㄹ, ㅇㄸ, ㅅジㅇ, and ㄴㅇㅇ.. In the end, 3 days ago, I decided on ㅇㅇㅇ and had surgery . I ended up giving up because I wasn't expecting it.. BG is a hospital with a lot of celebrity surgeries . I decided that it felt like this hospital .. I didn't have a special face like cheekbones or chin . People say why did you touch a face that shouldn't be done... It was a bit ambiguous . Yo.. The clown had some side cheekbones. There was almost no front cheekbones, so it felt a little flat.. There was almost no chin, and it was all fat (by the way, this fat is not pretty on the cheeks, but you know the kind of fat that sticks to the chin area like a little sagging?) The face looked round. I wanted to do the surgery properly, so I did cheekbones, chin, chin line fat removal, and forehead fat transplant.. I had the surgery the day after my birthday . It felt so strange.. Feeling reborn? I will never forget that light feeling before anesthesia and that hopeless feeling after surgery . My lips protruded twice as much as my nose and my whole face was so swollen that I was confused when I looked in the mirror . It's swollen, but can I really come back? The face is not a human face.. It has become a monster. Blowfish Monster Monster Dooly Electric Fan Aunt These are the words that immediately come to mind when I see my face ㅡㅡ;; The first day was the most painful.. I couldn't lift my head after lying down . They said that it would burst a few hours after the surgery and the swelling would be less than menstruation during surgery . I couldn't get up because of my face, so I lay down for a day, couldn't urinate, couldn't drink water , grunted with menstrual cramps, and because of the forehead autologous fat transplant, my thighs hurt, my legs hurt, my throat hurt, and I couldn't even speak because of the blood. Mucus in my nose. Because of this, it was so hard to breathe, and I couldn't sleep at all, so I stayed up all night with my eyes open.. Every hour, the nurse came to check if there was any breathing difficulties , and brought water until dawn was ripe .. Half of it was done. I spilled it..ㅡㅡ;; my lips are so swollen I can't feel it, so I have to squeeze my mouth shut with my hand. The blood must have been lodged deep in the mouth , but it was amazing that it didn't hurt.. At that time lol The moments of pain like that were repeated, and after a day, he told me to get up to move to get the blood . Because of this, my face hurt less.. Wow, I thought I was going home after pulling this out, so I went into the operating room, but I was a bit scared.. Unnie, does it hurt when you pull this out? ~You'll feel like your air is running out and it'll be weird ~^^ It's a little.. sore~ Aren't you anesthetized? ~Yes, it only takes a moment, but what kind of anesthesia is it ? uh, how is it? What is this?? At that moment, I really felt like the air was escaping, and the pain was no joke . ㅡㅡ; It hurt so much that I couldn't even make a sound. But the pain only lasted for about five minutes . I was fortunate that it was short. And then gargle with the brown medicine and make it cold My younger brother and I went home.. The patient who had the cheekbone surgery in the same waiting room at that time .. He gave me pumpkin porridge.. I was so grateful that I had tears in my eyes . I couldn't express my gratitude... If you're reading this post, I'd like to say thank you very much ~^^ I had surgery on the morning of the 21st, so it 's the 3rd day since it's lunch time on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th... I'm trying to get rid of the swelling quickly . I diligently eat three meals a day, take all the medicine, and gargle once an hour, so I'm in a state where gargle is not enough ㅡㅡ; Take two pumpkin juice a day and take good care of yourself, so you should recover quickly =^ ^= It's the third day now, so my face is swollen at its peak. My lips are swollen and bleeding... First of all, I want to take off the bandage and wash my face..... I really want to brush my teeth... I'm a bit dirty right now . . Come back in a week. ㅡ.ㅡ My boyfriend isn't answering his phone at all . I don't want to get depressed. I want to have a bright mind!! Everyone, it's been less than a month, so don't get depressed. For those who underwent surgery, it's good to exchange photos with me while watching the progress ~^^ Let's do our best!!!

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저도 피호수뽑고 정말 충격받았어요ㅠㅠ
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21Plastic Surgery
hospital info
얼굴이 예쁜 편은 아니지만 그래도 전체적으로 조화롭다고 생각하면서 살았는데 이상하게 콧볼이 너무 크고 부각되어 보인다는 느낌을 받았어요. 처음에는 화장할 때 컨투어링으로 좀 덜 부각시키려고도 해봤는데 그럴 때마다 오히려 더 신경이 쓰이는 느낌이라 못참고 수술 했네요. 콧볼축소도 요즘에는 많이 하는지 여기저기서 알아볼 수 있었는데 굳이 제가 여기서 한 이유는 일단 원장님이 엄청 프로페셔널 하셔서 믿고 수술 할 수 있겠다는 느낌이 들었고 수술 방법도 비절개라서 흉터가 생길 가능성이 낮은 것도 너무 좋았네요. 수술 하고 나서도 꼼꼼하게 케어를 잘 해주셔서 큰 문제없이 잘 회복되었고 적당히 줄어든 콧볼 크기 보면 엄청 만족스럽습니당 ㅎ
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