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[안면윤곽후기] Cheek implant + forehead surgery review~

Date 07.08.11 00:55:06 View 5,667

I did the clown implant at the end of July, so today is the 11th....I did the forehead on the 8th/6th, so today is the 5th day....Today I took the bandage off my forehead and washed my hair... I guess I was expecting too much..ㅡㅡ;I was disappointed because it seemed a bit unnatural; I am an idiot who wants to be on the 5th day. Mmm~ Now, it’s completely tangled and swollen with no distinction between the eyebrow bone and forehead.. Haha, but it’s pretty. Does it feel neatly organized?~ When I consulted before surgery, I said that I didn't want my forehead to stick out completely like Lisu unnie...I wanted a neat forehead that went well with my face but... It makes me feel better because I think the answer will come out when everything is gone.. The front clown implant is the 11th day, and I am really looking forward to whether it will cover all the Indian wrinkles. Will it be Kava?" When I said that, it's not a complete cover, and I think you need to add fat later to cover it... Unfortunately, it's not a 100% smooth face, but first of all, when the forehead comes out, the cheekbones need to come out a little to make a three-dimensional face... There is an optical illusion (?) that makes the face look small because it is three-dimensional. ㅋㅋ The forehead seems to be fine.....the front cheek implant has a lot of swelling, so I can't be sure yet.... I'll post a review~^^*Have a nice day

(★.★)별눈's More Posts
Cmts 10
Wow, this is the surgery I want to do both. But, doesn't the nose look low? Are you saying that you don't have a clown, so you put an implant on the clown side? Please give me that information. I 'm curious about the hospital, the price, the doctor, and the surgery time. thank
07-08-11 01:28
안아프셨어요? 우 ~왕
07-08-11 10:56
헉!! 광대쪽에도 보형물 넣나요? 아는게 지방이식밖에 없어서,,,,
옷! 궁금해요!!
07-08-13 18:15
글게요. 광대쪽에 어케 넣나요? 볼에 넣는건 없을까요?? 지방이 생착안될까봐 걱정되서요,
07-08-13 18:50
네 ^^;; 귀족 수술하는것처럼 윗잇몸쪽 절개해서 뼈위에 넣어요..볼에는 못 넣을텐데요...ㅋㅋ 제 생각엔 그쪽은 근육이 계속 많이 움직이자용..표정근육이있는데 볼에다 넣으면 안면장애 있는사람처럼 되지 않을까용?ㅋㅋㅋ그런수술은 없을걸로 알고있어요...얼굴에 따라서 귀족,또는 자가지방이식,앞광대보형물 이런걸로 입체감을 만들수 있지 않나 싶네요.
07-08-14 12:35
앞광대 보형물 수술 어디서 하셨나요? 정보좀 부탁드려요 ^^
07-08-15 00:21
정보좀 주세여... 앞광대 보형물 제가 원하던건데.. 했는 사람이 잘 없었는데,,, 기뻐용~^^ 병원이라 가격이여~^^
07-08-16 00:40
제가 하고싶은 수술인데...ㅋ 정보좀주세요
07-08-16 09:59
눈도 정보부탁 드렸는데,,^^ 이마랑 앞광대도 부탁드려요 전부 한병원에서 하신건가요?? 사진두 너무 보고싶은데~~
07-08-16 16:41
정보 빨리 주세요~~^^ 기다리고있을게욤~>.
07-08-16 16:42
Max Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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살짝 안면비대칭이 있고 주걱턱 끼도 있어요 후기 중에 너무 예쁜 분이 있는데 여기서 하셨길래 물어보고 상담받으러 갔어요 병원건물이 새거더라구요 대기하는곳도 편하고 고급스러웠어요 원장님이랑 상담하면서 안면비대칭 상담받으면서 입술선이 살짝 왼쪽이 더 내려갔는데 이게 엄청 티가 나는건 아니지만 그래도 좀 거슬렸어요 근데 그걸 잘 캐치하시더라구요 가상수술 하는걸로 수술하게 되면 제턱이 이렇게 주걱턱 이만큼 들어갈거다 보여주시고 설명해주셨고 눈으로 보면서 해서 이해가 빨랐어요 저는 막 엄청 예뻐지는건 크게 기대하지 않고 자연스럽게를 원하는데 그렇게 될거라고 하셨어요
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