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[안면윤곽후기] Square jaw 1 year and 5 months later..ㅠ.ㅠ

Date 07.05.11 11:53:02 View 3,911

It's been almost a year and 5 months since I got my square jaw incision.. It's so hard.. There's no bone on the side, but the front still looks like there's a lot of flesh... People say I gained weight, but I had no flesh on my face before the surgery.. I'm so stressed.. It's so hard.. The incision area is still swollen.. People don't even know I had the surgery... The residual swelling is killing me.. I wonder when it will go down.. Is there anyone else whose jaw goes down later than me??... My family is telling me to go to the hospital with them.. My sibling says I have to wait at least 2 years.. I'm dying.. Please help me~~!!

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Cmts 8
ㅠ.ㅠ. I'm also in my 7th month and it's the same. I'm going to go to the hospital during vacation and try to work on my muscles... To be honest, if I pull the fat out with my hands, my face shape is 80% what I want, but I'm so stressed right now that I can't even focus on my studies and I'm going crazy ㅠ.ㅠ.. Do you happen to have a lot of jaw muscles? When I clench my teeth, they're huge ㅠ.ㅠ. I asked them to have them removed during the surgery, but they said that if the bone disappears due to bleeding, the muscles will naturally move inward ㅠ.ㅠ. Sigh... I wish vacation would come soon ㅠ.ㅠ
07-05-12 15:40
By any chance, if you press and release the swollen area where you had your jaw surgery, does it feel like something is lumpy inside? That's why my cheeks (when you say "Eh~" with your mouth) feel tight when I wake up in the morning. Phew, they say it usually takes 6 months to settle in, but I thought I would die from paying a lot of money for the surgery and working hard to make money... ㅠ.ㅠ... I hope this problem gets resolved quickly... ㅠ.ㅠ. Ugh...
07-05-12 15:42
May I ask how you performed the surgery?
07-05-12 18:33
They did it by completely cutting inside the mouth. Ugh... I want to go to the hospital right away. If you haven't had surgery yet, get your face slimmed down and do it. I regret it a lot now.
07-05-12 18:45
..I also had it done with an intraoral incision...same case as Small Seed. When I bit my cheek with my molars...the area around the surgical site felt tingly...for reference, it's been over a year...but...I don't know if this is swelling...ㅜㅜ...I wonder if it will go back to normal...
07-05-12 21:03
Should I lose all the fat on my face? I'm planning to do the sandwich method for my front and side chins, but my face is long and I have a lot of fat... I'm worried ㅠㅠ
07-05-12 23:23
If you really live, it seems like you'll swell a lot, so I don't really recommend it... Anyway, I hope you see good results...
07-05-13 08:39
휴~그래여 누루면~뭔가 있는거 같아여~결론은 있건 없건 이정도 시기면 고민할 필요가 없어야 되는데 말이에여..옆면은 뼈가 없는데여 앞면은 뭐~내가 봐도 살찐거 처럼 보여여~아무도 모른다는게 속상하고..그러다보니 포기 상태 걍~먹거 싶은거 다먹어여~완전 지쳤어여~어케여 수술은 했는데 방법도 없고..참고로 전 수술하기전 얼굴 살은 없었어여~약간 각이 있을뿐..아직 붓기라 믿고 기다려야져~너무~짜증난다...=.=
07-05-16 14:35
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