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[안면윤곽후기] Cheekbones (scalp incision) square jaw 4 months 10 days~

Date 06.12.05 20:51:56 View 2,980

Hello~~~ It seems like I'm posting reviews almost every month^^ It's been over four months now,,,,,, I had surgery for cheekbones through scalp incisions and square jaw surgery through incisions inside the mouth,,, I'm recovering well now,,, ,,, The condition of my face hasn't changed much from the review I posted three months ago. As the effect of my square jaw is starting to appear, I'm starting to look slimmer... I'm so happy because my husband compliments me on how much smaller I am every time I look at him.^ ^* Up until three months, the hair loss stopped and I could see hair growing only on the top of my head. But now, a lot of hair suddenly started growing again, and the top of my head and a few of the tangles have all disappeared. The marks that used to look bare have all turned into black hair. I'm wearing it again. As for the surgery scars, I've been looking around with two mirrors, but I can't really see any red lines or anything like that. I still need more hair to recover, but the hair loss is so much that I don't care about it at all. Yes, I went to the beauty salon a few days ago^^* My sister, who had surgery for her clown, square jaw, and front chin three months ago, is also recovering well. She started working again recently, so she's been really busy these days. ,When I looked at her face a month ago, her facial lines looked very soft and young,,,Now, the swelling has probably gone down even more, so I think she's even prettier haha. Four months may seem quick when you think about it, and it seems like a long time considering how much I had to worry about various minor symptoms while recovering,,,, but now that I think about it, I feel very fortunate that I got through the major surgery without any problems and am healthy and living well with my sister. What's surprising is how I went through with the surgery, and I think I was brave,, haha. If I had to have surgery again, I would be scared, but when I think about my old face,,, I would do it again even if I had to go back to how I was before the surgery~~ I met with my husband and son a little while ago . I went out to eat at a meat restaurant. Now I can eat meat and my mouth doesn't open wide yet, so I'm doing almost everything in my life the way I did before the surgery. I didn't put on makeup, just wore a hat, and went to a restaurant, and my husband said, "I don't have enough money." It's good,,,,,They say it's worth looking at even without makeup now haha ​​I was like that when it comes to facial contours,,I think it's only for those who have a lot of complexes and loss of confidence to get that much satisfaction,,,,You're pretty even without it, so will it be perfect if you do it? I would like to tell those who are suffering from surgery that surgery is not necessarily the best option, so think carefully once again. Some people messaged me and asked me how much of my cheekbones were in and how many centimeters they were pushed in.... these numbers. You are asking,,,,I think it is difficult to give an exact mathematical number to such a question,,,,,I think I can tell you something like this, the cheekbones moved slightly inward, making the overall impression very soft. I am a bit tall, and if I were to judge him positively, he had a Western-style face and personality, but if I looked at it differently, he had a fierce and strong impression, and when he came out as a clown, people would say he was fierce. Now, he doesn't have that fierce image, and he just looks normal and nice. ^*It's getting colder, so I hope those of you who are interested in surgery should study a lot and think carefully,,,,and those of you who are going through the recovery period, take good care of it and have a beautiful life^^*

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좋으시겠어요,,전 이제 광대를 할 돈은 준비됬는데 3개월의 회복기간등 대인관계 수술후의 붓기 입안벌어지기..그런 시간을 견디기 힘들것같아 망설이고있어요,, 입안절개로 한 분들의 후기도 좀 궁금한데...머리가숱이없어서 전 입안 방법이 관심이가요,..
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ㅎㅎ남편분이 어떤 분인지 참 궁금해요. 전 보수적인 남자만 많이 봐서 성형수술을 결코 용납못할 것 같다는.... 후기 잘 읽었구요. 시간이 더 가면 갈수록 더 좋아질 거예요. 지금도 뭐 붓기 많이 빠진 것 같으시겠지만, 확실히 달라집니다. 더 매끈해지고 피부도 좋아지고...뭐 그런...ㅋㅋ
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우와 ㅠㅠ좋으시겠어요 저 정보좀주세요 ㅠㅠ어디서하셨는지랑 비용이요
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ㅎㅎ우리 남편도 얼굴에 점도 못뺄정도로 무서움 많이 타고 보수적이에요....수술한다고 했을때 펄펄 뛰었었구요,,,,그래도 긍정적인 사람이라 이미 수술 마친 사람에게 칭찬이 약이다 싶은지 볼때마다 용기를 주더라구요 ㅎㅎ 복권 마즘 전신 다해준다니 로또 맞기만을 학수고대 해볼까 하구요 ㅋㅋㅋ 캬캬언니도 감기 조심하세요^^*
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꼭 정보좀 부탁드릴께요.. 저도컴플렉스라서 수술을 생각하고 있는데 하는게 많이 두렵기도 하거든요.. 귀찮더라도 정보 한줄만 부탁드려요..
06-12-06 20:50
아, 진짜..버시리님은 무슨 복이 있어 그런 남편을 남편으로 두셨나요?^^ 로또 복권 안맞아도 남편같은 분을 만난게 로또복권보다 더한 행운이네요^^ 제 말 남편분에게 꼭 전해주세요...ㅋㅋ
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ㅋㅋㅋ정보 드렸습니다~~~~``캬캬님 꼭 전할게요 ㅎㅎ
06-12-07 13:51
저 정보좀주세요~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!
06-12-07 14:56
저두 광대랑 턱 정보좀 주세ㅛㅇ ㅎㅋㅋ
06-12-07 17:51
저도 정보 부탁드립니다
06-12-08 01:37
정보 드렸습니다~~~~
06-12-08 19:37
버시리님~정말부러우십니다 ㅜㅠ 저도 정보좀 부탁드려요
06-12-09 09:34
ㅜㅠ 저도 정보좀 부탁드려요
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06-12-09 17:37
저도 정보좀 ㅜㅜ 부럽네요
06-12-09 21:56
저도 정보좀 부탁드릴게요^^
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축하드리고요..저도 정보 주시면 안될까요?
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