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[안면윤곽후기] 500 days after cheek surgery...

Date 06.05.21 05:07:32 View 2,459

It's been 500 days since I really regretted the operation and suffered like crazy... hahaha now I'm laughing at that time ... What if I spend a lot of money and have side effects ... I laughed and was sad, and there were many changes in my heart. How severe is the pain after surgery? Anxiety when sleeping Anxiety when head down Anxiety when eating food too ㅠㅠ Anxiety when head bowed. Those of you who know the feeling of that bone being pulled forward know. For cheekbone surgery, you have to worry about the side effects and the parts that need to be managed differently from the eyes and nose, and for a few months after the surgery, you have to struggle with eating. That's why I think it's a really difficult surgery. The introduction was long because of the differences, but first of all, I 'm satisfied with the results of the surgery. The swelling went down quickly, so I never suffered from swelling. After the surgery, I lost weight from 56 to 48 kg. It was difficult to eat well and when the cheekbones came out, even if I lost a little bit of weight, I lost weight on the cheeks. there it is My face is slimmer and I am losing weight, and I am really satisfied with that part. However, people's greed is endless, so honestly, I'm not 100% satisfied. I have a small facial contour, but my cheekbones are severely bulging, so it doesn't mean that I don't have any cheekbones at all after surgery. There is a limit to what Doctor Sam can insert and cut the clown, so he can't get rid of it at all. Depending on whether the clown is severe or not, the limit that can be added is different. Do you all know? Haha To be honest, the face I wanted was Ryeowon. A face type that falls straight without any clowns ㅠㅠ Park Han-byul and Jun Ji- hyun too..=_=;; This guy's greed is... Some days he looks like a clown and some days he looks like an egg. I think it's worth the money I spent on meeting a man with that face. I do n't have any side effects yet. People around me also say that half of their face has become pretty. Those who did not know about the operation were said to have been forgiven; It's not that my face is pretty by writing, it's saying that it's better than the past ㅋㅋ But strangely, I 've never seen very few people who have been clowns over a year leave reviews... ~~~ Please leave at least one fragment like me. I wonder what the others are like. Where have all the people who operated with me when I had surgery gone~ Let's give hope or advice to those who will have surgery in the future...^-^ Those who are thinking about surgery for the last time ... I hate my face so much.. Don't consider surgery unless you've been told like me, "I have severe cheekbones. Cut my cheekbones" (once a boy in middle school once said to a friend. I've heard it several times). It's not that simple surgery that you get with the thought that you don't like the appearance of a clown. Money is money, but it is a very difficult operation. There are also side effects, so do it at a reliable hospital. If you have a surgery date, I hope you get a happy surgery result. Thanks for reading this long post and have a nice day ^-^

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Cmts 12
.. how hard was it? I'm thinking about it when I had the surgery...
06-05-21 05:11
I was timid and timid, and for the past three months I've been living with anxiety. In a nutshell, I felt like I had a thin glass film on my entire face. It's like glass, which can be broken even if it's a little wrong, like serving a new wine jar.
06-05-21 05:17
저는 지금 수술 3개월째.. 붓기는 언제까지 계속 빠지나요? 저 역시 머리 감거나 엎드리면 뼈가 앞으로 쏠리는 느낌을 종종 받는데.. 뼈가 덜 붙어 그런건가요? 저같은 경우는 한달 지나선 아무거나 막 먹었는데.. (오징어도 씹었어요) 지금은 씹거나 입 벌리는 데는 전혀 지장없는데, 님이 말씀하신 가끔 뼈 쏠리는 느낌이랑 아~주 가끔씩 관자놀이 부근이 잠깐씩 욱신거리는 거.. 그런 거 외엔 큰 불편함은 없거든요.. 저도 옆광이 심해서 옆광을 많이 밀어넣고 앞광은 안 건드렸는데(입안절개) 님은 두피로 하셨는지 입안으로 하셨는지?? 앞광도 조금 더 넣었더라면 하는 아쉬움은 조금 남지만 저 역시 여기서 더 욕심내고 싶진 않네요.. 심하게 넣어서 볼이 처지거나 하는 것보단 지금처럼 살짝 앞광은 남아서 입체적인 게 낫겠죠?? ㅎ 원체 두상이 커서 수술 후 얼굴이 반쪽 됐다 이런 느낌은 없지만..ㅠ.ㅠ 그래도 모자나 선글라스 썼을 때 확실히 예전보다 이쁘고 자연스런 느낌은 있어요.. 헤어스타일도 자유자재로 할 수 있고.. 님 가끔씩이라도 들어오셔서 글 남겨 주세요.~
06-05-21 05:17
님 전 수술 삼일째랍닌다...
진짜 님말대루에요... 왠간한 맘가짐가지고 들이댔따가...
짐 죽을지경입니다... 이놈의 붓기...
06-05-21 09:50
후기 감사합니다..진짜 수술하신 지 오래 되신 분들의 후기가 없어서 궁금했었습니다. 결국 수술 후 근 일년 간은 맘을 비워야 되겠네요^^
암튼 님들 부럽습니다~
06-05-21 10:06
붓기는요 6개월에서 1년까지 간다네요. 제가 붓기땜에 맘 고생 안했다고는 했지만 남들보단 덜 했을뿐이지 처음엔 호빵 그자체였죠.. ㅋㅋㅋ 붕대푸르고 허걱 이게누구야 아 정말 못생겼다.. 이렇게 생각했을 정도니깐요. 그리고 1년이 넘어서도 붓기가 완전히 빠졌단 느낌이 안들어요. 매일 다른느낌이라고나 할까... 그나저나 저 거꾸로 머리 못감고 서서 감는데 다른 님들은 어떤가요? 걍 불안해서 못하겠더라구요
06-05-21 12:17
공감가는 글~ 도움되는 글 감사해요! 님 그래도 지금은 자연스럽게 예뻐지셨다니 얼마나 좋아요~~ 더 예뻐지세요!!^^*
06-05-21 13:56
이뻐지셨다니 정말 다행이네요...이런글 올려주셔서 감사해요~
불면증님은 어디서 하신건가요?
앞으로도 관리 잘해서 광대 수술부위잘 자리잡길 바래요~
근데 1년이지났는데도 머리 숙여서 못감나요?
06-05-21 21:29
어디서 하셨는지 궁금해요~ 그래도 '만족'이란 두글자가 있어 참 다행이네요^^
06-05-22 00:03
저는 ㅈㄱ에서 했어요. 머리 숙여서 못감는건 언제까지나 저의 소심한탓이 아닌가싶네요ㅋㅋ 수술부위는 완전히 잡은거 같고 걍 편하게 살랍니다~ 여태 고생했던게 엄청나게 힘들었거든요
06-05-22 04:16
머리도 다시 잘 나셨나요?
머리때문에 고생은 안하셨나요??
06-05-22 13:31
전광대한지 8일됏어여.. 아직도 괴물같은데... 광대붓기는 마니빠졋는데 코때문에 얼굴이 디게 이상해여....그렇다고 완전히 빠진것도아니지만 3일째된날하고 비교하면 사람됏져..ㅋㅋ 암튼 근데 완전히 빠질라믄 1년은 기달려야 하나여? 전요즘에 그냥 빨리 시간이 지나기 만을 기다리고잇어여... 이놈에 붓기는 정말 시간말고는 방법이업는듯......ㅇ ㅏ.. 그리고 1년돼도 먹을꺼 먹기 힘든가여? 전요즘에 케익하고 죽하고 면같은거 가위로 잘게짤라서 먹는정돕니다...어제 와플 먹다가 거의 죽을뻔햇다는...ㅡ.ㅡ빨리 돈까스같은거 먹어보는게 소원이에여~
06-05-22 16:16
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