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[안면윤곽후기] About 3 weeks after chin and cheek surgery?

Date 05.02.12 23:48:45 View 2,584

I'm not good at counting dates...-_ㅠ ... It's also the pressure of cynicism... The surgery was done on the morning of the 17th, so it's almost three weeks since today... right? In any case, I didn't really appreciate it because I got compliments on how well the surgery was done... The side angle came out in a week... The cheekbone swelling was a little over two weeks, so the side plate was flat, so I thought it was really vast. I heard. And it is noticeable that the chin has become thinner from the front as well.. I am generally satisfied with the surgery... Of course, there is still a little swelling on the side of the nose and below it, so there is a plump energy... To get rid of it completely I think it will take a month or two... And sometimes I feel a little stiff in my face... (They said it was good.. The senses came back...) Almost all of my senses came back.. There was no part...) Um... Actually, I like jjimjjilbang so much... I didn't go because I didn't want to overdo it after surgery, so I went with my mom the day before New Year's Eve... But once I enter the sauna, I sit for a long time to defeat all the aunts who live there. It's a habit... I sweat for a long time... After a few hours, my face swelled up... It's not good if you overdo it... But I think it'd be great to go to the sauna sometimes... But... now I'm worried The thing is, my mouth doesn't open too much..-_ㅠ Actually, I chewed kimchi and everything after about a week after the operation..-_ㅠ But... After the operation, at first, even two fingers were too hard to enter. But.. now only one and a half can go in..-_ㅠ If this is the 3rd week after surgery, will it increase a little too much? People who have only had jaw surgery often open their mouths... Is it gradually getting better? I really shoved lettuce wrap in my mouth yesterday..-_ㅠ I wanted to cry..-_ㅠ If I open my mouth very much now it's perfect... Do I have to practice opening my mouth separately...-_ㅠ Lately, I'm a little worried about this.. ;; How are you all keeping your mouths open?

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저는 지금 2주되어가는게 손가락 2개 들어가네요" 너무 무리하시진 마시구, 조금씩 연습하면 되지 않을까요?
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전..턱수술 2주뙜는데..하나 들어가는뎅;; ㅜ.ㅜ
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또 불안해지네요..11일인데 3개..무리했나..ㅠ.ㅠ
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