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[Face liposuction] No side effects after 5 months of facial liposuction

Date 24.07.13 17:46:13 View 2,468
108 만원
During days
109 Days

When I looked at my face in pictures, I was always most stressed about the double chin, but after facial liposuction, I can now smile freely and take pictures without showing the double chin!! >_< If it was something that could be solved with such a simple surgery, I would have done it a long time ago without worrying about it. They say facial liposuction is more effective as time goes by, but I definitely feel like I'm losing more fat..! I was satisfied with the fact that I was already thinner when I was three months old, but when I look at the photo now, five months later, and the photo from three months ago, I see that I am thinner differently? I guess time is the secret haha. I had the surgery right before the wedding photoshoot! Filming took place in July, and the surgery took place in February. Thanks to the surgery going so well, I was able to successfully complete the V-line face photo shoot without any scars..♥ Also, I originally had a round face shape, but with facial liposuction surgery without any lifting procedure, my face shape itself changed to a slimmer shape. .!! I definitely think the price-performance ratio is better than the Shurink In-Mode treatment. And I tried doing facial thread lifting myself, but they told me it wasn't necessary so I should just get facial liposuction. Honest! Because I felt the same way, my trust increased. I think it's really nice that the treatment doesn't have to be sold separately. It's hard to see the jawline in the pre-surgery photos... but I feel like I've been given a jawline as a gift thanks to double chin liposuction!! The surgery was over in 30 minutes. Less hazy than a gastroscopy? It really didn't hurt at all... It didn't hurt to the point where I wondered if it was even possible to hurt like this. It feels like the redness is painful... I think you can think of it as a similar treatment to Indu Shurink. I think I can go to work in two days. I did it in two days and no one around me knew! They asked me if I lost weight and when I told them I had facial liposuction, everyone was very interested. I got a lot of recommendations here and there!! Haha , I think facial liposuction is definitely the answer to double chin problems!!!>

ㄹㄴㅎㅂ's More Posts
Cmts 11
That's great~ Congratulations^^ I'm also worried, where will the scar be?
24-07-14 18:37
I also had a double chin before and it was good.
24-07-14 20:49
Wow, the effect is really good ㅠㅠ I want to get it too
24-07-14 21:51
Hey, can I ask you about hospital information?
24-07-19 14:11
ㅠㅠ I'm still thinking about it, but it's really natural!! If you can share the hospital information, please do so..ㅠㅠ
24-07-21 22:03
Could you please tell me the hospital and the cost?
24-07-22 11:09
Did you put something on your chin too? ! There's a V-line jawline hidden on your face..
24-07-22 11:51
Wow, your face shape is so pretty after liposuction
24-07-25 16:14
Please give me hospital information....
24-07-27 20:28
I congratulate you on your great success.
24-08-05 17:47
Wow.. Thank you for the honest review because your face shape is similar to mine :)
24-08-07 01:07
Tobi Plastic Surgery
hospital info
눈밑지방재배치 정가 165만원, 할인가 140만원. 부분 사진공개 + 후기 5회 작성 시 121만원. 지방이식 정가 77만원, 할인가 65만원. 결론은 내가 눈밑지에 대해 공부하고 갔다면 더 괜찮은 상담을 했을 텐데 하는 아쉬움이 큼. 내가 이 수술에 대해 많이 알아보고 가서 능동적으로 질문했으면 원장님을 더 오래 붙잡아둘 수 있었을 텐데... 원장님이 바쁘셨는지 생각보다 상담이 자세하지 않고 분석도 딱히 없어서 기대와는 달랐음. 그래도 더 궁금한 건 없냐고 물어보긴 하셨음. (공부해갈걸 후회한 포인트) 퇴근 시간대에 갔는데 왜 그렇게까지 서둘러서 나가신 건지...? 아쉬웠음. 그래도 그 와중에 인디언주름이라는 존재를 알려주고 가셔서 그건 감사했음. 추가로 지방이식 강요도 없었고 애교는 수술 후 필러 넣는 게 좋겠다 하심. 인터넷 후기들도 좋은 편에 성예사 평점이 전반적으로 좋고, 특히 수술평점이 높은 편이라 긍정적인 인상이 있었음. 병원 내부도 깔끔했고 실장님들도 차분한 인상이었음. 규모가 작은 병원일수록 신뢰가 간다고 생각함. 예약금 강요도 없었음. 앞서 언급했듯 내가 눈밑지에 대해 공부하고 이것저것 물어봤으면 여기서 수술했을지도 모르겠다고 생각함. 하지만 원장님은 바쁘게 서둘러 나가셨고... 이미 상담은 그렇게 짧게 끝났고... 이 병원이 나랑은 인연이 아닌가 봄. 상담했던 다른 병원들이 다 성에 안 찼으면 다시 상담 잡으려고 생각했으나, 수술하기로 결정한 병원이 있어 그렇게 하진 않음. 본인이 받으려는 수술에 대해 잘 공부해서 원장님 오래 붙잡아 두기를.
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