Job Review

[Face] 3 month review

Date 24.05.01 01:45:19 View 1,664

This is a photo review of the third month after receiving cheekbone reduction surgery from Dr. Jonglim Park of Samsao. Before surgery, both the side cheekbones and the 45-degree cheekbones were visible. I always thought about getting cheekbone surgery, but these days, it seems like a lot of people around me are getting contouring surgery, so I thought I should get the surgery, too. After researching, many people said that it was not as painful as I thought, and I thought that if I had the surgery at a safe hospital, I would be able to resolve my complex without any major problems. I went to a total of two hospitals for consultations, including three. I was concerned about the fact that the surgery was performed under sedation at another hospital I went to for consultation, so I decided on Samsao, which had many reviews saying it was the safest . The director was also very kind during the consultation. I wasn't that nervous or nervous even on the day of surgery because I had faith that the surgery would be done safely . I fell asleep under general anesthesia and when I woke up, the surgery was over. After resting for a bit in the recovery room, I returned home, and I remember being surprised that there was almost no swelling that day. After that, the swelling gradually decreased, but after about two weeks, the swelling went down little by little. Since the first month, I have been able to live my daily life without any major difficulties. The pain I sometimes felt when I touched it gradually disappeared from then on. There are still times when I feel stiff, but I think I mostly forget about it. Now, after 3 months, some of the visible swelling has disappeared and it looks natural. I used to only have phlegm intermittently, but now I almost never have phlegm.

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