Job Review

[Perinasal Augmentation] Noble Review (Silicone, 2 months)

Date 24.03.18 01:20:48 View 2,051
During days

I've never written anything like this before because I'm a no-nonsense person, but when I was worried about nobles, I had a hard time because there weren't many reviews, but I think there are still a lot of people who worry a lot because there aren't enough reviews and information, so I'm writing this. I will only provide facts and information as much as possible, so you can make your own judgment!!!! I had it done with silicone and an incision inside my mouth, and it lasted about two months. What I was most worried about was the deformation of the nose shape (spreading, lifting of the nostrils, etc.), but the doctor told me not to worry as there was absolutely no deformation, and that movement could be prevented by sculpting the implant to match the shape of the bone. I went to two places for consultations, and at Hospital A, they showed me pictures of Noble before and after, with my nose puffed out and my philtrums were longer, and I said I absolutely didn't want it to look like this. After seeing those, he said that according to the standards of plastic surgery, I have a prettier face in the after pictures, so I asked him well and quit the hospital. Looking at the after pictures, they all showed that the shape of the nose didn't really change and only the sides were filled in, so I decided to go with that. Later, they said that after-sales service is possible regardless of the period. I tried to go to more consultations, but I couldn't find a place that looked good even when I visited Noble Hospital... I excluded Gore-Tex in case it was removed. My current condition is that after the surgery, my nose was raised and more of my nostrils were visible from the front, but it is slowly coming back down to its original state. I think it's about 80% back now. The doctor absolutely said that the nose shape would return to its original shape! He told me not to worry, so I believed that and was waiting. No one noticed the scar because it was inside the mouth, and the fact that there was no scar on the outside and that I could wash my face right away was an advantage, but it was inconvenient to have to brush my teeth for a week and gargle with a strange, fishy-smelling disinfectant after eating. If you gently press the side of your nose now, it feels hard. I am very careful when washing my face. And not being able to smile brightly for a month was really, really the hardest. I have to smile with my lips so that they don't break my mouth... I can smile brightly now, but it's a bit tight and I'm used to smiling like that, so I still end up smiling pettily lol... If someone suddenly smiles petitly, you can be suspicious of the nobleman. The bottom line is , I think I did a good job with this surgery. This is my personal opinion, but I think it is a surgery that does not cause dramatic changes. I think it could be expressed as going from minus to zero. Does that seem like an advantage to this surgery? Haha, does his face just look better? Does that tired and empty look become a bit more lively? This feeling! However, since it is a surgery to insert an implant, you must keep in mind that inflammation can occur at any time. Please note that I am only in my second month. I don't think I come here often anymore, but if I run into a problem, I'll come back and add it to this post. It got longer as I wrote it, but I just wanted to write a little bit and get away with it. Ah, the hospital might be curious, but it's okay to say something openly.. I found out about it after watching it on YouTube, so I went to see it. Then bye!

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