Job Review

[Face lift] Must read for those who want to do thread lifting

Date 24.03.16 11:56:05 View 1,662
200 만원
During days
90 Days

I looked into thread lifting to improve my face even a little, and although it was an event such as a platform, there were relatively many reviews, and I trusted Wrinkle Plastic Surgery because they are a plastic surgery specialist, so I chose Wrinkle Plastic Surgery. Of course, lift surgery would be more effective, but we wanted to improve it by adding more threads. Director Lee Jae-hyun gave a relatively long explanation, and expressed confidence that elevation is effective, that thread lifting, although not as effective as elevation, is a good surgery, and that he can perform any surgery he wants.  I'm not a maestro, but I thought 16 rows of thread would still be an improvement, and since I had a wedding coming up, I even went under anesthesia on the same day to get it done quickly. After about three months, the effect is zero. After the surgery, I received chin filler, and the effect was good. I have excellent observation skills, and there was no effect, that is, no improvement. When I went through the process, I spoke honestly to the surgeon and he sympathized with me. The cost, including domestically produced 4CC filler, amounted to 2 million won, but the money was thrown away and no benefit was obtained. I won't take issue with it though. I think hospitals and surgeons who are completely ineffective should be evaluated calmly. Although the effectiveness and satisfaction will vary greatly from person to person, I think that when someone considering thread lifting undergoes surgery, there should be at least a 5% improvement. It's a pulling surgery, but if it's not effective, there's definitely a problem. It's an excuse to say it's a personal difference, and since the current situation is bad, thread lifting is done in the hope of even a little improvement. I am writing this review with the hope that you will make the right choice in the hospital and surgeon, and that you will not look at thread lifting with bleary eyes. As a consumer, I hope that you can make a clear judgment and make a choice, and that the result will be an improvement over your current situation, even if it is not 100% perfect. Also, I don't want the service to be overly friendly, but I understand that the manager (new person) doesn't even say hello when you return home after surgery. Of course, if it's for another consultation, it can't be helped. That part was disappointing. The addition of filler was recommended, and an additional amount of filler was added during the surgery, rather than the prescribed amount. However, based on my experience of performing numerous filler treatments, the prices of the domestically produced fillers suggested were objectively high. Still, I believed in the surgery and had the surgery, but overall, it was a very disappointing surgery. I hope you choose your hospital carefully and don't make an unwise choice like I did after reading the event reviews. (Marketing strategy that says wrinkle injections are free if you upload a photo) The thread lifting price is 77,000 won per line including VAT, but the director initially recommended the lowest grade domestic filler and charged about 500,000 won for 3CC. When I asked how much the filling would be, I hesitated because they asked me to charge almost twice as much, so they told me they would just fill it for 500,000 won. Still, I trusted the teacher, but the results were not good. Even considering a certain degree of commercialism, bargaining on filler prices other than the essentials needs to be changed. Still, the people in the operating room were very kind. Thank you for reading this long post.

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Cmts 10
Thanks for sharing your review!
24-03-16 12:25
Thank you for the review.
24-03-16 14:54
Thank you for the review! I must have been upset ㅠㅠ
24-03-19 22:38
Thank you for the reviewㅠㅜ
24-03-21 09:29
Thank you for the review!!!!
24-03-22 04:16
내가다속상하네 후기고마워~
24-03-26 02:42
나 5개월전 실리프팅으로 유명병원에 심지어 실리프팅을 400주고 했어. 근데 효과 없었어...진짜 돈을 길바닥에 버린 기분
24-03-26 13:21
ㅜㅜ 실리프팅이 너무 손기술도 타는거같고 아직 성공사례도 많이 없고 안좋은 예후가 많긴한듯 ㅜ
24-04-02 20:43
후기 감사합니다!
24-06-03 14:12
저도 원글님 글에 100% 동의 합니다.  2023년도에 위** 병원에서 실리프팅을 받았는데 원글님 말씀과 같이 효가가 5%도 없었습니다. 효과도 없는데 얼굴에 멍은 한달가까이 있었고 실 넣은 부분이 얼얼한게 아주 오랫동안 있었어요. 수면마취로 적은돈도 아니고 그 돈이면 미니거상 받는게 훨씬 낫다고 생각해요
24-07-19 07:03
DL Plastic Surgery Clinic
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매부리때문에 코 수술을 받았었는데 제대로 교정이 안돼서 결국엔 코 재수술을 하려고 마음 먹었습니다 ㅠ이번엔 꼭 성공하고 싶어서 누구보다 열심히 찾아본 후에 맘에 드는 병원 추려서 상담 잡았어요! 제일 먼저 다녀온 곳이 디엘인데 후기에서 봤던것처럼 직원분들이 넘 친절하셨고 병원 내부도 깔끔해서 첫인상 합격~~ 원장님이 상담 때 자세히 봐준다는걸 알고 갔지만, 이렇게 자세히 봐주신다고? 할 정도로 꼼꼼히 봐주셔서 넘 마음에 들었습니다. 코 재수술인만큼 문제점을 확실히 개선하기 위한 맞춤 수술 플랜을 이해하기 쉽게 설명해주셨고, 과한 추천없이 딱 필요한 부분만 말씀해주셔서 믿음이 가더라구요? 매부리를 확실하게 교정하는건 물론이고 제가 원하는 느낌인 자려한 느낌으로 디자인 다시 잡아주셔서 니즈반영도 제대로 해주시는 느낌을 받았습니다! 군더더기 없이 전체적으로 깔끔하고 만족스러운 상담이었어요!
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