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[3 type of Contour] 3 types of facial contouring + diaphragm I can barely write after being discharged ㅠㅠㅠ Warm day - 1st day after surgery

Date 23.11.08 00:23:05 View 4,200
During days

I want to leave this arduous and difficult process in the form of a diary, so I'll try to write about my emotions... My face shape has always been a concern since I was a teenager. Actually, I didn't have any odd eyes, nose, or mouth, but based on my standards, maybe it's a subjective complex...? My friends don't know either, but I'm the only one who really cares haha. You know what it feels like, right?  anyway ! 11/6, the day of the decisive battle, boom, I finally did it... You did a great job, myself... I was notified to schedule the surgery in advance for 2 o'clock and to come to the hospital by 1 o'clock. Since I was going up to Seoul from Busan, I made hotel reservations for a week. It came up haha ​​I'm also really impressed.. I registered as soon as I arrived at the hospital and all the items I thought I might need were placed in the hospital room. As J, I need to prepare in advance to feel at ease... Photo of the last design consultation with Dr. Yoo . As I show you, I ask for your requests.. Please leave the details!! Please keep your face small and short!! (Holding a photo of Jang Won-young/Jenny) Please emphasize it like this and ask for it ㅠㅠ Now, I went to prepare for the surgery. After changing clothes, I said goodbye to my tusk and went into the operating room. They checked a few things before the surgery. (Did you fast well/condition/what kind of surgery are you doing, etc..) The director of the anesthesiology department came in and reassured my heart that was pounding wildly ㅠㅠ and took a deep, slow breath.... and blacked out hahahaha general anesthesia. It really ends as soon as you lie down.  I didn't know... I didn't know that the process of waking up from general anesthesia would be this painful... Fill the oxygen mask and take a deep breath. Otherwise, you may feel dizzy and vomit when moving around. I tried my best to do it.. But I was so nervous the night before that I went to sleep for 2 hours and found that I had no energy and was so sleepy.. I wish I could die for 10 seconds... I would kill myself.... I want to feel comfortable. I thought about this...Mom, I'm sorry, I love you... So I barely made it to the hospital room. I couldn't get my voice out and I was tired, so I barely said hello to my mom and said, "I'll take a nap." I tossed and turned as I fell asleep. To be honest, I slept because patients with facial swelling have to sleep sitting down. It's not the same and it's uncomfortable ㅠㅠ I brought a neck pillow and a small cushion, but if you guys see this post, make sure to bring it with you.. It's a must-have item ㄹㅇ But I guess it's because I suffer from diaphoresis, so the neck pillow was honestly a bit painful ㅠㅠ Just touching it gave me the eerie pain of sneezing... The pain of cutting bones. The diaphragm is stronger than before... diaphoresis>>>>lip swelling>>>pain in the lower jaw. When I look at my face, I see a huge octopus. Haha. If I bite into it, the juice is going to explode.. And I got chills so bad that I put a cold pack around it. They gave it to me, but I took it back.. I couldn't do it because I was shaking so much. The nurse said I was shaking so much that she brought me two blankets and made an electric blanket haha. It was a single room, so it was very comfortable. I was wrapping the blanket around me, but Dr. Yoo came to check the results of the surgery. He told me not to worry because everything went well, and I almost cried. It hurt more than I thought. I cringed a bit.. Of course, I expressed my gratitude.. haha. Does everyone know that you  can drink water 4 hours after surgery..? There is nothing more painful than this ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I deliberately tried to keep sleeping ㅠㅠ My nose was bleeding, there was a lump of blood in my mouth, and I was making a fuss... The pain in my neck is just like the sore throat that you get when you have corona. In fact, rather than being in pain, I was so dizzy and nauseous. I had a bit of a headache...  Finally, around 11:30, the nurse working the night shift brought me 2 New Care bottles and 2 water. I drank some herbal water and about an hour later, I took some New Care, and that was good too. I guess I was a spirit sunfish because I have an appetite.. Thank you for helping me go to the bathroom and taking such good care of me, but the downside is that I can't sleep well...  After that, I watched YouTube and fell asleep, and I kept drinking water, and around 7 a.m., I went to take out the blood bucket I was wearing. Removing the blood bucket was really creepy. I don't want to do this again...what can I say? It's like having a tentacle stuck in your face and forcing it out...? Hahahahaha And when you do that, you press your face really hard and the nurse hates you at the time ㅠㅠ But in the meantime, keep in mind that you have the strength to let go of everything and glare at her.. After 8 am, I go to get shampoo service and even get my hair dried . After getting a construction CT scan, I came back to the hospital room and listened closely to the nurse's one-on-one explanation of aftercare and care. I finally said hello to Dr. Yoo. I was discharged from the hospital around 10 o'clock. I think my mother came and did it with me. The pain was still there  . Why didn't anyone tell me why it hurts so much...? Why...? Since the period is at its peak starting tomorrow, I will come back to write about how things are progressing. I just want to write alone... I want to get good results from the surgery quickly and tell Dr. Yoo, Youbeoji, Youbeoji, haha. I watch so much YouTube that I feel a sense of inner intimacy. ....? Haha,  it's so hard to gargle and take medicine ㅠㅠ Take note of the other people... When you gargle with Hexamedine and take a pill, relieve the burning sensation and then eat... Your lips become more chapped than you can imagine...? Anyway, I can't open my mouth, so a paper cup is a must! If you don't really need a sauce container, a paper cup will do. >< I 'll be back!!!@ I can't sleep right now, so I had a hard time using cold compresses. I'm really ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ the best ㅠㅠㅠ>

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결론부터 말하자면 상담 받고 3일 뒤에 바로 수술 날짜 잡았어요ㅋㅋㅋ 1) 큰 의료사고 없는 코 전문 병원 2) 의료사고시에 돌변 X / 끝까지 책임지려는 의사 3) 원장님 미감=내가 원하는 디자인 이렇게 세 가지 조건 두고 고르고 골라 상담 받으러 갔고요 성예사에서 후기 보고 상담 받으러 갔는데 역시나 원장님 정말 친절하시더라고요... 상담실장님도 친절하신데 원장님이 인상도 밝으시고 나긋나긋 설명 잘 해주심 처음에 가면 CT 찍고 상담실장님과 원하는 디자인, 수술 여부 등등 간단하게 상담하면서 아이스브레이킹 후(?) 원장님 상담 들어갔고요~ 원장님이 사진을 또 찍어주세요! 그걸로 가상 성형 해주십니다(이거 진짜 성형 뽐뿌와요ㅋ) 원장님 상담 순서는 1) 제 얼굴 문제점(?) 설명 2) 그래서 어떻게 개선할 건지 구체적인 방법 설명 3) 재료 설명 4) 궁금한 점 추가 질문 이 정도였어요~ 이것저것 다 질문했는데 정말 친절하게 미소지어주시며 요목조목 설명해주시더라구요! 예약시간보다 30분인가 상담 시간 딜레이 됐는데 여기서 풀림ㅋ 제가 작은 코인데 살도 없고... 피부도 얇고 원하는 게 자려한 라인이라 사실 고민 많이했거든요! 비침이나 부작용도 무섭지만 했는데 티도 안나는 코는 정말 싫어서요... 원장님한테 이렇게 말씀드렸더니 지금 코에서 위험 부담 없이 최대한 높이는 쪽으로 말씀하셔서 땅땅! 마음의 결정을 했어요! #수술 당일에 원하는 코/원치 않는 코 사진 준비해갔는데... 바쁘시면 그냥 받고 안보시잖아여... 그래도 어쩔 수 없지 했거든요? 꼼꼼하게 봐주시더라고요ㅠ 조만간 살없는 작은코 성공 후기 들고 올게여!
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