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[Face liposuction] Two months after Power V facial liposuction and chin botox surgery at Dr. Jeongriban Clinic

Date 23.07.12 18:24:23 View 2,745
209 만원
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60 Days

수술 전 사진들~

<수술 전 사진들~>

수술 후 사진들~

<수술 후 사진들~>

This is a review of Dr. Jeong Yeon-ho’s treatment! After about a month to a month and a half, I was really worried because there were a lot of wrinkles under the chin and under the ears, and when viewed from the front, it looked similar to before the surgery. (It was okay because the jaw line was clearly visible from the side.) So, I used a high-frequency machine at home to get 3 treatments. ~I gave it a massage once every four days and gave it a craving whenever I thought of it. I continued to take care of it so it wouldn't harden. I also received high frequency treatment twice at the hospital according to the period. After about two months, the lump under my chin almost disappeared, the swelling after the surgery went down, and I felt like my facial line was becoming more organized. In particular, I heard a lot from people around me asking if I had lost weight hahaha. After about a month and a half, the surgery area didn't feel painful at all and the feeling that it wasn't my weight almost disappeared. If I massage and stretch my neck too much, I get an itchy feeling. When I went to get treatment, I was told that it's not a good idea to do too much, so now I only do light massages and I rarely wear a tickle these days. Danggim says it is recommended to wear it for up to 3 months, so I plan to wear it whenever I have time! The scar is almost invisible except for one area under my chin, and I manage it by applying scar cream well. I've gotten used to my face now, so when I look in the mirror, I wonder if it didn't have much of an effect, but when I look at the before and after photos, I can clearly feel that I've lost a lot lol (If you have a lot of facial fat, definitely get liposuction on your face or double chin~!!! It's not difficult to lose chin fat!! !! ) It is said that the effects of the surgery will be clearly visible from 2 to 3 months, so I will go on a diet to lose even more weight and this summer, I will wear my hair proudly with a sharp jawline ~~~~

이면지지지's More Posts
Cmts 18
I envy you ㅠㅠ
23-07-12 18:32
I have to get rid of my body now TT
23-07-12 23:50
Oh, the effect is good. As expected, breathing is the answer to the double chin.
23-07-12 18:46
The fat on the face is really cold..
23-07-12 23:50
the effect is good
23-07-12 18:49
The effect was so good.
23-07-12 23:50
The breathing effect is great haha
23-07-12 20:38
It's a highly recommended surgery.
23-07-12 23:50
I'm curious about the price!!
23-07-14 22:48
Can I get the price information? ㅠㅠ
23-07-15 22:27
Wow, you’ve been completely reborn, congratulations!
23-07-24 23:35
Congratulations~!!! The surgery went well!
23-08-02 15:34
It's pretty~~
23-08-20 06:49
Oh.. your face line is so pretty!!!! You've got a perfect V-line, but it's not too sharp or too round, and the chin line is really classy, ​​so it's really pretty.
23-09-12 11:52
Have you ever dieted at all??
24-02-23 02:49
You only had double chin and botox???
24-06-18 13:34
Will it be effective just for the double chin??
24-07-03 10:01
Congratulations, you did a great job!!!!
24-07-16 02:16
eye plastic surgery
hospital info
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