Job Review

[Square Jaw] Contour type 1 2nd month review

Date 23.05.18 22:24:56 View 5,062
During days

This is the first post after signing up. If you think square jaw resection surgery lightly, please read it and decide on the surgery. I underwent square jaw reduction and deep buccal fat removal surgery at a plastic surgery clinic in Gangnam 2 months ago. (Currently, the plastic surgery clinic where I operated is a very, very popular plastic surgery clinic that is said to have visited Seongyesa after signing up.) I underwent surgery with confidence in the director's confidence and follow-up care. And these are the side effects I've been experiencing since the surgery until now. 1. My mouth does not close after surgery. As a result, pronunciation leaks, it is difficult to sleep, and saliva flows. The lips don't close. Even when the teeth are closed, the front teeth are visible, and when the mouth is relaxed and the mouth is opened, the lower teeth are visible. Looking at the writings of various plastic surgeons and the reviews of patients, it is said that this is a side effect caused by sagging muscles under the front chin because the lip muscles under the front chin are not in their original position when the front chin is changed (chin tip retracted). In addition, since the front chin was changed, the lower lip naturally receded and the lips were curled. (Small lower lip) I asked the director who operated on these side effects during the course of treatment, and he said that it was a problem that time would solve because the muscles that close the lips were incised and the surgery was performed. There are cases of twisting and coming back, but there is no talk of lips touching like before. Therefore, if it does not recover, it may be necessary to consider rearrangement of the front jaw muscles after the recovery period. 2. Reduced Square Jaw Pain After surgery, if you press the removed square jaw line with your hand, your chin will feel sore and your lower teeth will tingle. Behavior becomes more restricted. This kind of feeling is almost similar to when you receive dental root canal treatment. Every day is like going to the dentist. This is also a side effect that occurs when the neural tube is exposed during the square jaw resection, even if the lower alveolar neural tube was not cut by checking on CT after the square jaw resection. Therefore, it is said that it may be impossible to rest your chin for the rest of your life, the act of rubbing or bumping something on your chin, or the act of washing your face vigorously. It is said that the cortical bone fills up in the part of the jaw that was cut off as it recovers after surgery. You may have to think that you can't even dream of living like before the surgery.. I'm also in a state of giving up. 3. Neurosensory deterioration from the lower lip line to the front chin and lower chin It is said that this is also a side effect of fine nerve severing and lower alveolar neural tube exposure; Therefore, it may or may not recover. (This is how it feels on the outside, and since the nerve sensation is reduced in these parts of the body, of course, the nerve sensation is also reduced in the gum part of the part that connects like that .) Although the stomach part was tingling and numb at all after the surgery and is now coming back, it tickles and tingles when touched, which is very annoying when talking and eating. It's not cool to talk, and I feel like the quality of life is getting worse as it gives a big hindrance to my daily life. 4. After deep cheek fat removal, if you shape your mouth to “O”, you will feel a tightening sensation from the muscles below the cheekbones to the muscles next to your mouth and sagging cheeks. Koreans pronounce “o” a lot more than you think. (I feel like my muscles are zooming in and zooming out when I speak.) There is a dent on one side of the cheek, so when I look in the mirror, I feel like someone has pressed my handprint with my finger. Currently, the saying that time is medicine doesn't touch me at all, and no matter how much my face shape has become prettier after surgery, it's uncomfortable except when I keep my mouth shut (actually, I don't even keep my mouth shut), so I really only look in the mirror and take tens of thousands of selfies a day. It's not literally a life where you just shut up and look in the mirror, so every day is uncomfortable and difficult, so I only swallow tears in my heart.  After reading my article, I hope that many people will consider whether they should undergo square jaw surgery and deep cheek fat removal. I think that not everyone has side effects after surgery, but I also think that there is no possibility that side effects will not occur in everyone. So thank you for reading this long post. If you continue to be curious about my future recovery review, I will continue to post progress every month. However, in the case of the hospital disclosure, there may be a possibility of recovery as the director said, and I am afraid that it could lead to a lawsuit problem. Excluding the places where you are famous, try to sell yourself a lot, look for as many side effects as possible, consult to see if the director is trustworthy, and think about it as much as possible before deciding on surgery. + Among those who have undergone a similar surgery to mine, I would be sincerely grateful if you could tell me in the comments if your symptoms have improved, what kind of effort you need to make to get better. + For those of you who have undergone contouring surgery in a similar situation to me, I would appreciate it if you could leave a comment on how you recovered.

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Cmts 33
* this is a secret.
23-05-19 08:59
* this is a secret.
23-05-19 10:28
Oh, and if it's Gangnam, may I ask where it is...
23-05-19 13:23
* this is a secret.
23-05-19 14:37
Can you give me some info on where?
23-05-19 18:27
* this is a secret.
23-05-20 00:05
Unfortunately, the hospital does not disclose it in consideration of the lawsuit issue and the possibility of recovery. As for the hospital where the surgery was performed, as mentioned in the article, it is Gangnam, and it is a hospital that is often mentioned as a contour surgery even if you look around in Sungyesa for 5 minutes. *Find out how many surgeries a day the director performs*, and check again to see if the doctor properly informed you about the side effects and post-effects of the surgery you will receive before proceeding with the surgery. thank you
23-05-21 03:51
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-20 00:57
혹시 정보 알 수 있을까요..??
23-05-20 14:37
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-20 21:42
질문: 근데 정말 미안하지만 조금 이해가 안되는게 사각턱절제술을 했는데 앞턱을 왜 갈아냈던거야..? 그럼 윤곽2종아닌가..? 사각턱으로 긴곡선절제술을 했다 하더라도 핀고정은 없는데…

답변드립니다. 앞턱은 원장님이 수술전 사진을 검토 후 쉐이빙 권유로 쉐이빙이 들어간겁니다.

윤곽수술에 대해서 어느정도 아시는 분인 것 같아서 말씀드립니다. 제가 성형한 병원은 윤곽 2종 수술로 턱과 광대 성형을 칭했습니다. 저는 긴곡선 사각턱절제술을 받았으니 해당없습니다.

핀고정은 글의 어떤 부분에도 작성하지않았는데 어떠한 이유로 말씀하는 건지 모르겠습니다. 댓글 더 남겨주시면 답변드리겠습니다.
23-05-21 03:42
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-24 00:28
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-21 02:34
네 기다리라는 말 이외에는 후속조치는 없었습니다.

수술 후 겪는 부작용은 오로지 환자만이 감당하기에 심리적으로 매우 불안한 상태인데 의사는 기다리라는 말 밖에는 없으니 괴롭습니다.

병원은 글에도 말씀드렸다시피 송사문제와 수술후 회복가능성을 고려하여 공개하지않습니다

다만 원장이 수술을 하루에 몇번 집도하는지 알아보시길 권유드립니다. 또한 수술전 상담시 의사가 수술 부작용 발생에 대해서 자세히 고지하는지, 부작용시 어떠한 사후관리 해주는 지 이부분을 염두하고 수술 상담받아보시기 바랍니다.
23-05-21 03:48
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-21 09:38
너무 안타까워요..저는 지금 열심히 알아보는중인데 겁이나네요
부디 시간이 지나서 나아지시길 기도합니다.
23-05-21 23:11
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-22 15:31
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-05-22 20:22
나도 지금 똑같은 증상있는데 ..
1달차라고 하고손으로 끌어당겨서 열심히 닫는 운동하는데. 불안해서 병원내원할지 고민중이야
23-05-23 06:34
23-05-23 15:26
아고,, 맘고생 심하시겠어요 ㅠㅠ 꼭 회복하시길 바라겠습니다 !
23-05-24 10:08
헉 나도 다음달에 할계획인데.. 혹시 어느 병원인지 알 수 있을까요..?
23-05-25 05:59
23-05-25 11:48
아고ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 싑게 생각할 일이 아니었구나....알려줘서 고마워
23-05-25 22:41
심적으로 많이 힘드실텐데 이런글 써주셔서 감사합니다. 시간 지나서 괜찮아지셨으면 좋겠어요. 화이팅!
23-05-26 15:52
많이 힘드실텐데 정보공유차원에서 올려주신거 감사합니다 얼른 다시 회복하시길 빌게요
23-05-26 22:24
나도 앞턱 때문에 고민이 많은데 사각턱보다 앞턱이 더 부작용이 많을것 같다. 휴 아무리 유명한 성형외과에서 받아도 부작용은 복불복 같고 100명중 1명이 부작용 오면 그 한명한테는 심각한 문제고ㅠㅠㅠ 꼭 회복되길 바랄게. 일단 조금 더 지켜보자
23-05-28 17:57
근육을 절개라면 근육 절제술을 진행하신건가요? 그리고 사각턱만 하셨는데 앞턱을 갈아낸건 환자분 동의다 다 이루어진 상태에서 한건가요? 예전에 유명한 구강악안면외과 원장님이 근육을 자르면 턱이 잘 안벌어진다고 그러셨는데.. 동의 없이 진행한거면 소송등으로 보상 받으셔야 할거 같아요 ㅠ 그리고 대학병원 턱관절센터 같은데서 현 현상에 대해 진단이라도 받아보세요 꼭 회복되시길 바랄게요
23-05-31 00:02
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-06-04 07:01
고생이 많네 ㅜㅜ 꼭 회복하길 바라 ..
23-06-19 02:07
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-06-23 19:08
요즘은 어덯게 됐어요...? 대학병원에서 진료 받아보셨나요?
23-09-25 10:23
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-04-01 22:14
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