I had surgery yesterday and it was swollen on the 2nd day today, but I was a little scared because the swelling was great on the 2nd to 4th days... I waited a little while at the hospital, about 2 hours? And after some designing, I was anesthetized, went into surgery, and well, I woke up shortly after and was moved to a hospital room, and the bruises were only on the right eye... And nosebleeds, coughs, and sore throats really hurt. In the afternoon, I felt nauseous, so I vomited twice, drank water, and threw up all the time. A clown and a square!! Next time I'll be a little more human and come back with a due diligence review!
It's now the 4th or 5th day haha It's suitable for swelling hahaha But the bruises in both eyes make it a bit like a victim of dating violence hahaha My boyfriend told me not to be scared outside haha Are you satisfied with the usual things so far? I'm still in the shadows because of swelling on my cheekbones haha I'm still bumpy