Job Review

[Hair Transplant] Hairline 2500 hair incision 3rd day review

Date 22.06.13 10:59:44 View 998
더블랙의원 (강남점)
380 만원
During days
3 Days
IMG_8481.JPG.pdf (2.0M), Down : 3, 2022-06-13 10:59:44

Take good care of yourself at home and write a review on the 3rd day! The next day after surgery, I went to the hospital and washed my hair! I visited in the morning, so the nurse washed my hair and told me how to shampoo my hair. I was nervous and itchy, but it felt okay. The pain was not at all because I took medicine. Maybe it was uncomfortable to use a pillow because the back of my head was long. I came and rested, so I went out to eat in front of the house on the 3rd day after the day was over, and there was a little blood oozing from the incision in the back ㅠㅠ I was scared and called right away to ask, and they say that if you move a little, the blood can continue to bleed. I thought I was going to bleed for nothing, so I said I was going to try to stop the bleeding at home. They even called me and made me worry. As expected, this hospital is very kind.. Hehe I was worried about the back of my head, so I didnt care about the planted area, so I forgot it was painful. To the extent of waking up in shock after touching it while sleeping..? They told me to eat well, so I avoid oily foods as much as possible and consume a lot of black beans and protein. ㅠ ㅠ Anyway, I am working hard to increase the engraftment rate as much as possible. The pain seems to be all right except for the stinging in the back. I wonder when the dark ages will pass and the hair will grow.. I hope time flies. Haha I can only see it in the picture

모절실's More Posts
Cmts 5
Get well soon!
22-06-13 20:10
Wow, I have to work really hard to manage.
22-06-13 21:50
I hope you are well!
22-06-13 23:34
You have received 2500 hairline incisions at The Black Clinic! Take good care of yourself and get through the dark ages!
22-06-14 09:45
와 얼른 쾌유를 빕니다.. !
22-08-30 19:22
water drop plastic surgery
hospital info
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