Job Review

[3 type of Contour] 2 types of contour (square jaw + chin tip reduction and retraction) 13th day review

Date 22.02.26 22:52:06 View 3,844
12 만원
During days
13 Days

hello. The day has come when I post something here. I'm writing a review because I want to help others after receiving help. I received 2 types of contouring (square jaw + chin tip reduction and retraction). After getting braces, my chin became more developed and I had a longer face. Due to the image of my front chin sticking out when I smiled, my juniors who had no insides made fun of me and called me a senior with a protruding chin. I pass by with a smile, but I feel like I was very hurt; haha, I just want to laugh without my chin coming out! With the thought that I wanted to have a soft image, I searched for various procedures and surgeries and decided to find a place that would perform chin surgery. I have a dentist brother around me, and oral and maxillofacial surgery is much more specialized than plastic surgery when it comes to jaw surgery. Because I had normal occlusion, I preferred a relatively simple contouring surgery rather than double or lower jaw surgery. I went to about 3 places before coming here, but the director was clear on why I chose Y Oral, and I completely agreed with his comment that he thinks men with a male face shape are best suited, so I made my decision. The surgery date was scheduled on the day of my visit. On the day of surgery , I had a headache after the surgery and the anesthesia wore off. I had more pain because not only did I have contour surgery, but I also had all four wisdom teeth extracted. I didn't mind that my throat was a little sore and I couldn't drink water, but when the pain was pressing on the area where my wisdom teeth were extracted, it was really hard. I was much more concerned and in pain at the area where my four wisdom teeth were extracted than at the area where I had my chin surgery done. As soon as I told them about my condition, they immediately gave me more painkillers, and all the staff I saw at the hospital came over and pressed the machine to check my blood pressure, as if they were worried that something might happen. I was touched by the feeling of care and management from all members. A female nurse on duty early in the morning. I was so thankful that she cared about whether I needed anything and took care of me when I couldn't sleep. Until 10 p.m., I wondered if I had received this surgery to enjoy some kind of wealth or fame, but after 10 p.m., my vision became clearer, the pain subsided, and I felt better. Since I live in a rural area and leave early, the train timing is not right, so I asked the director if I could be discharged a little later, around 12 PM, and I was very grateful that he readily understood. (I was also very worried if it would be better to get a contour surgery and drive around in my own car while taking a rest, or if I would be embarrassed if I went around with my face swollen. I was wearing a beanie and a hood over my nose, and I was wearing a mask, so no one around me noticed.) People who go back and forth alone report to me. Take courage!) 2nd week photo (day 13) The swelling has gone down a lot. I came from a place far away from Seoul to have surgery, and what was a relief was that I was forced to walk a lot. To get the first and second week of treatment, I took the KTX in the morning, took the subway to the hospital, walked, did some window shopping before getting on the train back, and then came home and stretched out haha. I think I did a lot of walking! Thanks to this, a lot of the swelling went down. During the second week of treatment, I went to have the stitches removed. I thought it would be painful after seeing the reviews. It was a bit stinging, but the director did a really good job of removing the stitches, so I received the treatment without any problems. When the director first saw me, she said, “When I put on the mask, I have a soft image, but when I take it off, I have a strong masculine image,” and she had a complex about that. Because the shape of the tip of my chin was completely square and long... There were people who said it was different from what they thought when they saw me with the mask off... haha... ㅠ But these days, every time I look in the mirror, wow... it has become so soft. The square jaw line has become softer, and most importantly, when I look in the mirror and smile, my chin does not come forward. I was quite satisfied with this surgery. Of course, the swelling has not gone down yet, so you should not let down your guard. But I'm really satisfied so far.

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Cmts 22
It went really well!! Congratulations!
22-02-27 00:08
[@Gyangdyagi]   Thank you!!
22-02-27 13:15
Wow, that was great.
22-02-27 01:47
[@basketballer] Thank you for your encouragement~~
22-02-27 13:15
congratulation! Only good things will happen
22-02-27 03:29
[@Dinosaur Fry] Good luck to you too, Fry! There will be!
22-02-27 13:15
It went so well...?
22-02-27 03:30
[@Even when I get older, I’m still 27] Right..haha thank you!
22-02-27 13:16
The surgery went well~~! Thank you for your hard work
22-02-27 14:23
[@Muminii] Thank you~~ Be pretty!
22-02-27 15:07
확실히 인상이 부드럽게 변했네영
22-02-28 06:19
붓기가 엄청없네요 수술잘되서 축하합니다!!
22-03-05 03:14
원하시던대로 인상이 많이 부드러원진듯 해요.
22-03-06 23:05
잘 되신 것 같아요!  후기가 도움 많이 되네요
22-03-08 14:36
부드러운 인상 훨씬 보기 좋아요~
22-03-09 18:39
고생하셨지만 너무 잘되신거 같아요! 후기감사합니다
22-03-11 11:38
아 정말 잘 되었네요! 만족하시겠어요~
22-03-11 16:23
* 비밀글 입니다.
22-03-28 12:51
[@육육육]  너무 늦게 답하는건 아닌가 싶은데 도움됐으면 좋겠네요.
하루에 보통 못해도 2시간은 걸었구요
저 자고 일어나면 잘 붓는 편이요ㅜㅜ
2달 되니까 잔붓기는 거의 다 빠졌어요
2주차 한 11일 째 되던날?에 처음으로 사람들 앞에 갔었는데 다들 사랑니 뽑았냐고 아프겠다고ㅋㅋㅋ 그러더라구요ㅋㅋ
사실 다른 병원에서는 7-8mm축소해도 된다고 했는데 이중턱 부작용 없는 선에서 해달라고 부탁드렸더니 3mm정도만 축소했어요! 후진은 1.5정도만 했구요
도움됐으면 좋겠네요!
22-04-25 19:29
자연스럽게 잘된것 같습니다
22-04-10 16:56
오 정말 잘됐어요!! 진짜 축하드려요.
비슷한 얼굴형인데 부럽기도 하고 평생 컴플렉스이면서도 아직 용기도 안나고ㅠㅠ 수술 후 말하는건 괜찮나요??  아이가 있어서 말을 못하면 안되어서 양악 대신 차선책으로 하려는데 제약이 참 많네요
23-04-14 15:50
와 ㅠㅠ 잘되셨어요!!
23-05-30 00:26
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