Job Review

Clown pin removal review

Date 21.04.16 12:46:50 View 11,835
During days

It's been 6 and a half years and I've done it now. It was the hospital where I had the surgery, so I paid around 100,000 won. I put it off because of the memories that I suffered so much because of general anesthesia, but I did it now. I had the operation under general anesthesia, but right after the operation, I couldn't breathe and felt like I was going to die. Thankfully , it was okay in less than 10 minutes. (For reference, when the clown broke the general anesthesia and drank 100 bottles of alcohol, I thought he was going to die for more than 5 hours. Originally, the clown wasn't hospitalized, but he was hospitalized.) After the surgery, he got better after lying in the recovery room for only about an hour . After I was discharged, I got on the bus and went home alone. The voice barely came out for about 30 minutes, and it barely came out with a feeling of hoarseness until about 2 hours. Now, after coughing a few times, a little bit of blood comes out, and my voice comes out well. But my throat is very sore and I feel like I have a severe sore throat.. I can still feel the bitter taste and it is so frustrating ㅠㅠ The swelling is less than I thought. Feeling a little bloated than usual on the first day? If you don't tell other people, you don't know. Feeling of swelling and tooth extraction? So slightly swollen. I'm worried that there will be more swelling from tomorrow, but the swelling will go away soon. As someone who has done a lot of facial breathing and accusation, this level is weak. It seems like a lot will be lost in a week!? It's comfortable to wear. The food can be eaten right away, but the hard, salty, and spicy food will be eaten after 2 weeks. It is a bit uncomfortable to eat because there is a seam in the mouth. I was worried because it had been too long, but they said that all the pins were removed . It's far better than when I outlined it. From today to the 3rd day, I have to get pain-free ring gel, so that ring gel is a bit uncomfortable.. The pain is a little stiff and a little sore? I have to be patient. It was hard because I regretted it so much, but I feel a little refreshed after removing the pin. If you are worried about removing the pin, don't be too scared and don't delay, I hope you do it right away!!

lispard's More Posts
Cmts 18
Did you feel contoured and sagging?
21-04-16 16:05
Ugh, I'm so scared to get rid of the pins... Another general anesthesia...
21-04-16 20:34
* this is a secret.
21-04-16 20:35
Thank you for your review!! You have suffered a lot ㅠㅠ
21-04-16 23:23
Thank you for the review. There is such a difficulty because it is general anesthesia.
21-04-17 14:32
I also made an appointment for pin removal surgery, but I decided to use sleep anesthesia. It seems to be more painful than I thought. To say that the painless injection was given until the 3rd day ㅠ
21-04-19 12:10
[@bada7777] 수면마취로 가능한가요? 정보좀 부탁드립니다 ㅠ 전신마취 넘 부담이고 무서워요
21-07-02 22:22
21-04-20 18:41
윤곽수술은  잘 안 되신 건가요  후회 하신다고 해서여
21-05-01 17:45
고생하셧네요ㅜㅜㅜㅜ 윤곽 후회는 왜 하신걸까요?
21-05-04 00:33
저도 턱에 제거해야하는데..
21-05-14 23:37
핀제거도 전신마취군요...ㅠㅠ후기감사합니다
21-08-22 21:53
정말 고생많으셨습니다! 핀까지 제거하시고 너무 부럽네요 ㅠ저는 아직  윤곽수술 한 사람은 아니지만 댓글분들께 혹시 도움이 될까해서 상담때 의사선생님들께 들은 내용 공유드립니다!

* 앞턱핀 : 수면마취도 가능, (의사가 컨트롤 가능하고 몸부림이심하지 않다면), 최소 3개월 이후 제거가능
* 광대핀 : 전신마취 (부위 특성상 위험해서 수면마취 어려움, 거의 안된다고 하신거같음) 최소 6개월 이후 제거 가능

-> 제거가능 기간은 개개인의 회복과정과 수술경과에따라 다를 수 있음, 그러나 공통적으로 시간이 너무 오래될수록 제거가 까다로워질 가능성이 크다고 합니다.
21-08-31 09:56
유익한 글 감사합니다.. 저도 핀 제거 앞두고 있는데 혹시 붓기 어느정도까지 가셨나요?ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
21-09-18 17:27
처짐 있으신가요 ㅠㅠ
21-11-25 12:58
어디서 하신건가여????
21-12-06 22:08
저도 광대 했는데 핀 제거 꼭 해야 하나요? 핀 제거 장점이 뭔가요?
23-03-24 22:55
저도 곧 해야되는데 걱정이네요... 핀 제거이후 처짐은 없으신가요?
24-01-08 22:24
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