Job Review

Square jaw front chin review + things to consider before surgery

Date 20.02.26 00:34:23 View 2,024

It's been about 3 months. I'm not very sensitive to pain, so I didn't feel the pain well. On the first day, I didn't feel any pain because Ringer gave me a painkiller injection, and on the second day, I was discharged and didn't notice it, but when I lay down to sleep, it stung and hurt a bit. It wasn't that painful, but it was so bothersome that I couldn't sleep. ㅜㅜ Once I realized it, it bothered me a bit, but after the bandage was taken off on the third day, I felt like I would live. It didn't hurt anymore, and after that, the swelling went down quickly, so after a week, I went out and played without a mask, and after 2 weeks, I put on makeup and met my friends. They said that there was almost no swelling and that I didn't look like someone who had surgery. ㅋㅋㅋ I'm the type that recovers quickly. I had a complex about my jaw (I had class 3 malocclusion and had correction, but my jaw was longer than the average person's). I always covered it up when taking pictures and compared myself to others, which stressed me out a lot. But I'm really happy after the surgery! There are no major side effects, and the right jaw nerve has not yet returned, but I think it is because the right side was resected more because it is asymmetrical. I heard that the jaw was cut 6mm and that it was cut more. I heard a lot that my face got smaller because of that. It was a part that I really had a complex about, so I think I will be satisfied even if I sag later!! However, I have something to ask of those who want to get the surgery. 1. Am I a good candidate for the surgery? 2. Can I tolerate and be satisfied with sagging or other minor side effects ? I hope that those who meet these two conditions will get the surgery. First, when considering the conditions for the surgery, you need to look at the philtrum length, midface length, nerve line height, skin tone, age, etc. 1. Philtrum length, midface length If the philtrum length or midface length is not short compared to your current face, I recommend that you reconsider the contour. I have a longer than average chin, but a shorter than average philtrum length. The doctor measured it with a ruler and said that my philtrum was unusually short compared to my chin length. The length of the midface is also shorter than average or similar. In this case, if you trim the chin, the facial proportions will be harmonious and it will look much prettier, but if not, it can end up looking like a cucumber or a horse. ㅜㅜ Many people are dissatisfied because of this. If you don't trim the chin too much, it doesn't matter much, but if you trim it similarly to me, check your philtrum length and midface length . From a cosmetic standpoint, it is prettiest when the forehead, midface, and chin ratio is 1:1:0.8. Look up the average philtrum length in Korea and consider the size of your face to estimate what it would look like if you trim the chin. Then you will have an answer. 2. Nerve line height . In conclusion, the higher the nerve line, the longer the distance you can trim it, and it is safer. It's not a big deal if only the nerve line is not cut, but how close it is trimmed is also important. If you trim it too close to the nerve line, the paresthesia will last a long time and the probability of it not returning is higher. That means the probability of side effects is higher. Therefore, it is not good to cut too close, but a safe surgery that cuts away from the nerve line so that the nerves can return well is a good surgery. 3. Skin elasticity Of course, elastic skin is suitable for surgery, and firm skin is less likely to sag than soft and stretchy skin, and thin skin is less likely to sag than thick skin. 4. Age As you get older, recovery is slower and the chances of sagging skin are higher, right? If you have decided to have surgery, do it as quickly as possible . Age is also a really important consideration. Consider these and see if you are a good candidate for surgery. However, even if you meet all of these, if you are not confident that you will be satisfied with the surgery even if there are side effects, do not have the surgery. I had a complex, and I had the surgery because I was confident that I would be satisfied even if there were sagging skin or mild paresthesia. Sometimes, I see people who have surgery to fix their facial lines even though they do not have a complex or have sharp features. If you are not a celebrity, do not do it. You will lose more than you will gain. I hope you make a wise choice.

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감사합니다 좋은정보에용
20-03-04 07:21
병원알아보고있는데 혹시 어디서 하셨나용 ?
20-03-04 11:22
6mm가 많이 한거라고요? 6cm 로 쓰시려던거 겎죠?
병원정보 부탁드릴게요
20-03-18 00:29
좋은정보 감사합니다 :)
20-03-18 23:56
감사합니다ㅜㅜ 인중길이 생각도 못했었네요 지금 말씀듣고 보니 전 인중이 긴거같고 ㅠㅠ
20-04-21 12:29
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