수술직후에는 '언제 한 달째가 될까?' 했었는데,
한 달이 경과하고 되돌아보니 '벌써 한 달이나 지났구나!'라는 생각이 듭니다.
최대한 수술 전에 찍었던 사진과 비슷한 구도로 찍으려 노력했습니다!
한달 전과 달라진 것이 있다면,
수술 전에는 운동과 식단을 병행하였었는데, 수술 후 운동과 식단을 할 수가 없었습니다.
수술 일주일 후부터 식단만을 다시 시작하였고, 한달이 되는 주인 이번주 월요일부터 운동(웨이트)를 시작했습니다.
하지만, 전처럼을 하지 못하고 얼굴에 최대한 힘이 들어가지 않도록 운동을 하도록 조심조심하고 있습니다.
(운동을 한달 동안 못해서 체중이 5키로가 줄었습니다. 사진상으로도 좀 말라보이네요ㅠ_ㅠ)
현재도 땡기미(하루에 2회정도만, 1회 후 2시간~3시간 휴식), 온찜질은 수시로 해주고 있으나,
전에 마시던 호박즙 등은 처음 산 30포 이후로는 섭취하고 있지 않습니다.
또한, 지방에 살고 있어서 주말마다 병원에 내원하여 힐라이트, 림프관리 등을 받으며 붓기관리 중입니다.
아직까지 입술 밑으로 턱쪽에 붓기가 남아있으며, 턱끝 주변라인정리과정에서 절개한 부위도 살짝 붓기가 있습니다.
후기가 턱끝 등의 수술을 준비하시는 회원분들께 도움이 되길 바랍니다.
궁금한 점을 댓글 달아주시면 확인하여 답변드리겠습니다.
[@Yuyuhyeonni] Thank you~ Right now, three fingers go in easily, and four fingers go in as well~~ The pronunciation is still uncomfortable on the chin side, so others say it's a bit strange when they hear it~
[@Phillyv2] Is it okay to eat food? I want to do it around the end of July, but I was wondering if there would be any problem eating food around Chuseok.
[@Yuyuhyeoni] My diet mainly consists of brown rice, chicken breast (chopped), cherry tomatoes, paprika, and supplements. There was no problem when I ate noodles, soft meat dishes (e.g. steak), soft rice cakes, and desserts on the weekend. Maybe I got used to it rather quickly because I only had the tip of my chin instead of the 3 types.
[@Skaty917] I don't think there's anything I can do... I ate liquid food for a week after the surgery, and from the second week I bought a blender and ate chicken breasts and maintained the original diet (Defi Diet), and then a month later, before starting to exercise, I started in-body. I took measurements, but my muscle mass was reduced by 1 kg. It seems that it is because the proportion of aerobic activity such as long-term cycling and walking is large in order to reduce swelling without anoxia. It seems that muscle loss is unavoidable, and only the diet seems to be maintained as a bulk-up diet. There is an explanation video on muscle loss on YouTuber Hanzo Body. It would be nice to refer to it.
I'm a woman, but like you, I have a long chin complex, so I'm a person who has been hoping for surgery for the rest of my life. First of all, I read all the reviews and it seems like you succeeded. I want to go to Seoul and go to a maid young consultation. It was a lot of trouble going back and forth. It's time, but I can't do surgery because I'm gloomy about the cost.