Job Review

Facial Contouring Day 3

Date 19.05.25 11:25:17 View 2,548

I didn't look into many hospitals, but after looking at Bobby Talk or Foxya Cafe, I chose the hospital and had surgery on Wednesday, a discount day, along with fat relocation under the eyes and nose surgery. I was very scared when I changed into my clothes on the first day and saw the person being discharged from the hospital after surgery. Now that I think about it, it was really scary. I think you had a clean surgery. I had just been discharged from the hospital with bruises under my eyes and an almost wretched look. I was scared when I saw that, but I was thankful that the director soothed me. He said that I would look prettier again after the surgery. I did my best to get through the surgery, and I felt like I wanted to keep under anesthesia. It occurred to me that I went into surgery around 11am, but when I opened my eyes, it was like 4am? After the surgical anesthesia wore off, my neck hurt so much due to the side effects of general anesthesia that it was difficult. I can't drink water right away, and I feel like I can breathe a little better after removing cotton from my nose yesterday, but before that, I had a hard time breathing through my mouth. I couldn't speak comfortably and my voice wasn't coming out hahaha.  The person sitting next to me who had contouring surgery was in so much pain that I was scared and wanted to die wondering what kind of movie I had done to watch... (I really regretted it over and over again) But I am so thankful to the nurses who helped me with water and replaced ice packs. i did it. And because it was uncomfortable to keep lying down, I had to go back and forth to the bathroom often. I felt sorry for worrying about the person sitting next to me because I had to carry a pole. On the second day, my eyes were bleeding and there were bruises under both eyes. I was so sad. My lower jaw was throbbing, and I was scared that if I removed the tape from my face, there would be more bruises hidden. On the first day, they told me to only drink water, so I took the Elas A and Cyndas that I had bought in advance. As I coughed, the nurses comforted me by saying that the swelling was not severe. However, I was worried because the bruises under my eyes would last for two months and were discolored when exposed to sunlight. I took out the veins, rewrapped the bandages, and returned to my lodgings for the surgery. I also applied ice packs, but it didn't work as well as what I did at the hospital. It was difficult to breathe, so I couldn't sleep well and only drank banana milk. On the third day, the pain was difficult for the second day, but today it got a little better. After going to the hospital and taking off the bandage and removing the cotton of my nose, I felt like I could breathe a little better. I had sweet pumpkin porridge and beef porridge. I kept it on for 1 hour and 30 minutes, but took it off when I went for a walk. It was getting hot, so I went in the evening to avoid the sun, but I was sweating a little, so I wanted to quickly take the stitches out and wash my hair. I have a timid personality, so I hate myself for not being able to just walk around like this. Even with eye ointment. I was prescribed medication for my nose and was applying bruise cream from the pharmacy, but I went to sleep worried that it would discolor my skin. And when I went to sleep, it said it would relieve the itch, so I took it off and slept well. The fourth day is the fourth day. Today is the fourth day. It's my pleasure to read other people's reviews. It's been a big day. I want to get better quickly so I can take off the bandages and put on makeup.

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수술 잘 받으신것 같아 다행이네요
경과 좋으시길 바라구요
후기정리가 좀 덜된듯 보입니다
제가 잘 못알아들은건진 몰겠는데
코속 솜제거 현황이~~
19-05-25 12:35
[@반댈세]  그런가요? 생각나면 더 적도록하겠습니다
수술을 22일 퇴원을 23일 코속솜제거를 24일에 했어요
하고나니 숨쉬기는 훨씬 나아졌지만 콧물이 훌쩍훌쩍하네요
아 코에 솜뺄때 무슨 롤러코스터 타는 마음으로 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아팠어용 ㅠㅠ 시원하지만 아픔 그런마음
19-05-26 23:15
고생 많으셨어요 ㅠㅠ
저랑 같은 날 수술하신것 같네요.
전 광대만 했는데도 마취가 힘들던데 대단하세요.
수술 하신 병원 저도 상담갔었는데 저는 대표원장님이랑 상담했거든요.
두분 스타일이 많이 다르신가요?
수술로 변화되신 모습도 궁금하네요
19-05-25 22:01
수술받으신다고 고생하셨어요 그땐 진짜힘들었는데 지금은
좀 통증이 낮죠? 수술 잘돼셨길바랍니다
저는 두눈에 멍이 팬더처럼 들어서 ㅠㅠ
지옥에서 돌아온 저 같아서 사진올릴용기도안나네요
수술 잘된건지 모르겠어요 윗입술도 엄충 붓고
4일째?부터 이상하게 윗입술이 추가로 멍이 들어버리더라고요
꼭빨리 나아져서 괜찮아지면 여러분들 도움될수있게 사진올리고 싶어요
저는 급하게 예약을 잡고가서 최세운 원장님만 예약이 가능하더라구요
그래서 김지명원장님과 비교는 안돼지만
저 병실있을때 옆자리 분이 김지명원장님 수술받은 분이셨어요
19-05-26 23:20
후기 감사합니다...!혹시 비용 쪽지로 알수있을까요? 저두 윤곽이랑 코 같이하는거 알아보구잇어서요
19-05-27 22:13
저는 오늘 첫째날인데 목 아파서 살짝 괴로워요ㅠㅠ 저도 코수술도 같이 하려다가 전신마취 시간도 길어지고 후폭풍이 너무 힘들것 같아서 윤곽 먼저 했어요 진짜 대단하신것 같아요!
ㅌㅇ ㅊㅅㅇ원장님도 상담 받았었는데 진짜 인형라인으로 해주시는것 같아 끌렸던 곳중 하나였는데.. 저는 결국 다른곳에서 하게됬지만ㅎㅎ 예쁘게 되실 것 같아요~
앞으로도 경과 꾸준히 알려주세요 공유해요오!!
19-05-28 01:26
저는 아직 밤에 잠을 못자고 있어요.. 오늘로 5일차입니다.ㅠㅠ 누워서 자세요?
19-05-28 12:23
셋째날에 꿀잠 자셨다니 경과 좋으신 것 같아요.
회복 잘 하시기 바랄게요!!!
19-05-31 14:11
안면윤곽 정말 궁금합니다  어떤 식으로 변화가 오는지 사진보고 싶어요
19-05-31 17:55
혹시 윤곽후 치아쪼임이나 시린증상은 없으셨나요????
19-06-03 04:38
수고했어요 ㅠㅠ
19-06-09 08:34
Epic Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
서울에서 두번째로 방문해본 병원. 처음 병원이 쏘쏘이기도 했고 자연스럽게 잘 하기로 유명한 병원이라 기대가 제법 있었는데 라인 잡아준 게 제일 마음에 들었음. (병원은 총 5군데 방문해봤고 앞선 두 곳은 사는 지역 병원, 나머지 세 곳은 서울에서 자연스럽게 잘 하고 재수술 잘 하는 병원 위주였음) 절개와 지방제거 200만원대인데 홈페이지에 눈 공개하면 150만원대로 떨어지고 절개, 눈매교정, 지방제거는 303만원이고 눈 공개시 200만원대로 떨어졌음. 가격도 생각보다 괜찮아서 엄청 혹한 곳인데 수술할 때 원장님 뵙고 그 이후에는 한 달차에나 만나뵐 수 있다고 함. 개인적으로 이게 좀 마음에 안 들긴 하는데 진짜 제일 마음에 들었던 곳이라 그거 감수하고 여기로 잡아볼까 고민되는 곳 중 하나임...... AS기간은 1년, 수술할 때 붓기 주사 같이 들어가고 흉살 생기면 흉살 주사까지 들어간다고 했음. 원장님이 좀 바빠보이셨는데 그점이 마음에 걸려서 그렇지 조곤조곤 상담 잘 해주시고 라인 예쁘게 빼주신 점은 진짜 크게 마음에 듦...... 이미 몇 군데 돌아봐서 내 눈에 맞는 수술은 뭔지 그런 걸 알고 있어서 상담실장님께 크게 여쭤본 건 없는데 이런 사람이 처음인 건지 엄청 당황하시는 것 같았음. 몇 번이나 궁금한 거 없으세요? 물어보시는데 최대한 쥐어 짜내서 여쭤본 게 사후 관리였음. 근데 그 답변이 영 시원치 않아서 차마 더 물어볼 게 없다고는 못 함...... 여태 다닌 병원 중 제일 사람 많고 원장님도 바빠 보이셨음.
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