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What I felt after contouring this time

Date 19.03.20 07:08:55 View 4,158

The point is that you shouldn't think of it as a simple (?) surgery like a real eye nose. I am reflecting. It really doesn't matter if you look at YouTubers. I think I thought it was too easy while watching there is no pain from cutting bones. To tell you what I've experienced, I did three types for reference. I wasn't particularly angular, but I wanted to reduce the overall margins and have a celebrity-level appearance . As soon as I entered the recovery room after waking up from anesthesia, the nurse asked for a bowl, so I vomited 4 times with gastric juice because I was on an empty stomach. (At the same time, in fear of overexerting the surgical results, I held the force only with the neck, not the face, and did not go through the mouth, but sprayed directly from the neck -> lips) The swelling was not that severe Day 2: The swelling suddenly rises like crazy . , to the level of the electric fan lady. The dizziness from the aftereffects of general anesthesia was so severe that I was hospitalized for a day after taking painkillers, but somehow, when the anesthetic gas ran out of her, the pain was relatively weak, so I felt a sore throat that I did not know about. During systemic gas anesthesia, a hose is inserted into the neck. Symptoms are painful when swallowing saliva, like swollen tonsils. I don't know if this is normal, but my face is swollen and my immunity is low, but when my throat hurts, people go crazy.. The people who worked with Ko were amazing. It hurts every time I swallow, and there is a lot of phlegm in my throat, but I can't spit it out or swallow it because it's swollen. Day 3: Swelling rises like crazy again. The 3rd day is the best ever. It was at this point that I felt regret. What kind of movie am I doing to enjoy a rich movie. My face is 1.5 times bigger, so the swelling is evenly gone and it looks like there is a dent in the cheek. Day 4: Swelling begins to subside. Can your eyes open wide now? It's just that the blood vessels in my eyes have burst... I think I'll have to look at this for about 3 weeks . Now there is only one thing left to do, and it will be better if you go to the hospital on the weekend and get your bookkeeping done. I also looked into it a lot, but what I felt this time is that at least if you go to work, you have to pay for a month's vacation to be able to do it without being caught. 1-2 weeks is like a broker encouraging surgery. At that level, only the big swelling is gone and the surgical scar is so great that I think it is at the level of “I had surgery, but I can live a basic life”. Also, if you look at the reviews, everyone has no swelling, but it's different depending on the constitution, but don't believe that... You can take a picture of the month and claim it's the 10th day. I am a newcomer who has just had surgery, and the contents are a bit lacking, but I am improving about the symptoms I have experienced, but I would like to share information. Thank you for reading this long post.

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Cmts 20
I don't think I'll be able to do it again. Did people go through all this pain, hardship and discomfort after doing it? I thought it was amazing... I'm also falling out due to swelling, so I hope it goes away quickly.
19-03-20 10:47
I went to counseling and they said that after 2 weeks the swelling would go down a lot and after a month it would get better.. Can you post a review after 2 weeks ㅠㅠ
19-03-20 13:39
맞아요.. 진짜 힘들어요ㅜ 저 메슥거려서 남들 오전10시쯤 퇴원하는거 저는 밤10시에 퇴원했네요..
3일차에 한 생각이 저랑 똑같으시네요ㅋㅋㅋ 내가 무슨 부리영화를 누리자고 돈주고 몸버려가며 이 짓을 한건지...
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일주일 복귀?? 제가 지금 일주일인데 이상태론 정말 출근하라고 하면 사표쓸 것 같아요 ㅋㅋㅋ
난 왜 수술 전에 이런 얘기들을 못봤을까... 이생각도 엄청 많이 했어요. 내가 모든 걸 다 고려하지 않은건가... 너무 쉽게 생각한건가..ㅠㅠ
남일은 쉽게 느껴진거겠죠ㅠㅠ
19-03-20 14:51
역시 리얼후기만한게 없어요ㅜㅡ
고생하셨어요 이뻐질일만 남으셨어요
19-03-20 16:18
자세한 후기 도움 많이 됐어요ㅠㅠ 고생하셨어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
19-03-20 18:46
저도 뻐를 갂는 고통은 없대서 조금 덜 쫄고 잇는데..... 갑자기 다시 공포감이 오네요 여름에 윤곽 할 예정인데 오매,,,, 3종 가격은 얼마에 하셨어요?? 병원마다 너무 가격이 다른거 같아서 ..
19-03-22 21:17
솔직히 후기 감사드려요..안면윤곽 수술 정말 간단한 수술아니죠 대수술이예요
19-03-23 01:51
몰라서 할수 있는 종목입니다  (6주차하고도3일) ㅜㅜ 일주일 지나셧다면 통증은 벗어난시기네요 슬슬 먹는게 고민되는 그런
저는 치즈케릭 카스테라 +우유 입안에서 녹일수 있는거 많이 먹었어요 계랸찜 등등 라면서 부셔서 끓여먹고 4주 정도되면 대충 다먹을수 있습니다 앞턱은 좀 오래 인내하셔야해요 저같은 경우 6주 지나서 마스크 벗엇네요
19-03-25 01:27
한달도 아니라 두달은 되야 사람모습을 하는듯요. 1-2주에 빠진다는거 진짜 헛소리.
19-03-30 23:32
맞아요 수술하고나니까 누가 브로커인지 딱봐도 알겠어요..
좀 지나도..시간이 정말 많이 필요한 수술인걸 또 한번 느껴요
19-04-01 14:15
수술후기에 위액 토햇다는 글이 많네요 수술직후 매쓰꺼움이 있나요?
19-04-01 16:12
맞아요 일이주는 너무 과장이죠ㅠㅠ 저 네달조금안됐는데 한달전이랑도 확실히 붓기 차이나요..
19-04-02 03:08
아.. 저도 내일 3종 수술하는데 아픈걸 떠나서 결과만 잘나왔으면 좋겟어요
19-04-03 13:55
님이 어디서 수술을 받았셨어요?
19-04-07 08:35
저도 사각턱때매 알아보고 수술결정하려는데 정말 쉽게 생각하면 안되겟어요..ㅠㅠ
19-04-08 02:35
수술 후 전신마취 가스 다 빠져나가도 목이 많이 아픈가요??,,
19-04-08 03:17
저랑 증상이 똑같으셨네요ㅠㅠ 3일까지는 시간이 어떻게 지나갔는지도 모르겠어요 ..
19-04-11 22:58
19-04-13 20:21
너무좋다이런글 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ
19-05-14 03:16
맞아여..저는 비대칭으로 깍여서 의사가 다시해주겠다는데도 절대 다시는 못해요....너무 고통스러워 ㅜ
19-08-30 16:04
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