Job Review

2nd year facial contouring

Date 19.03.10 00:32:57 View 4,158

I am writing a second year review of facial contouring. As soon as January 17, I robbed all of my money and had surgery. I have always been told that I have pretty features, but my face shape is lacking, so I decided to have surgery. Since he lives in a rural area, he couldn't sell his feet separately, so he had surgery right away at Appeal! He got all of the 45 guides vs. the cheekbones and the front chin tee osteotomy and the back square chin. In the recovery period from surgery, the swelling on my face, which had softened the line, was gone in just 4 months . I lived happily, but it seems to be the time when the swelling continues to fall and my face settles down for a little over a year. In the middle of the incision, I felt a throbbing feeling, and on excessive days, I felt a tingling around my mouth, and when I pressed the left cheek, there was a popping sound, so I had a very anxious time . I am living my life completely like my own face, enough to receive whitening and treatment with ease. If I was to go back and have another surgery, I would say that I would do it 100 times, but I also recently searched the Internet for facial contours 10 years later, and there are times when such a scene appears in my dreams. Whether I get old or sagging because of the years, I have the mindset that I will of course become a colossus in a few decades. It's been 2 years and it's still the surgery I chose well. Friends who are as big as thread lifting, when I put my hands on my face and chin, I found that there is more fat left over and not so. I think I'll have to consider my own flesh and have surgery... I don't know what's going to happen later, but my guess? That's why .. So even if there are places on my face that I want to repair right now, I don't get any fillers or anything like that on the cheeks and chin except for the forehead. I'm old and I'm afraid I'll have to melt it again when I 'm old, so I don't have any intention of doing thread lifting. I don't plan on getting a lot of laser lifting. I've gotten shrink 2 times so far! It doesn't work~ The inner tissue of the skin is affected by the laser, and I think that the only answer to the sagging of the skin is the Colossus. Before new technologies come out, I'll try to keep my face the way it should be.  I'm still in my 2nd year, but I'm getting a lot of information. Thank you!!

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혹시 정보좀부탁드려도되나여ㅎㅎ
19-03-10 01:22
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19-03-10 17:03
후기 남겨주셔서 감사합니다 저도 내일 수술인데 이 글 보니까 용기가 더 생기네요ㅠ 앞으로도 살처짐 없는 건강한 얼굴 유지하실거에요!
19-03-10 11:44
[@턱깍] 많이 초조하실거같아서 답글남겨요
수술 잘되실거니까 걱정마시구 아마 이따 12시부터 금식이겠죠?? 맛있는것도 미리미리 많이 먹고 수술전에 화장실도 꼭 다녀오세요!
수술하고 큰볼일볼때 얼굴에 힘들어가는거 진짜 비추에요...
수술하고나면 정신없어서 호박즙같은건 먹을 여유도없으니까 최대한 가볍게 가시구 무조건 가디건이나 집업 챙겨가세요
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저는 거짓말아니고 마트 종량제봉투 크기 2개썼어요 5일동안
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또 음식먹으면 수술직후라 입안벌려져서 자주 닦아야할텐데 큰 침들은 휴지로 닦으시고 입은 무조건 물티슈로 닦으세요
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병원에서 마스크 달라고해서 10장정도 미리미리 챙겨놓으시구
수술하고 일주일동안은 진짜 조심해야되니까 일주일동안 외출할때 입을 속옷/양말/통큰바지 이런거 쫙 깔아놓고 입으시구
일주일지나고 한번에 빠는게좋아요
19-03-10 12:54
[@gu****] 저도 이번주에 하는데 님글덕분에 많은 정보 얻고갑니다ㅎㅎ
19-04-03 00:22
[@턱깍]  도움 되셨다니 넘 기쁘네용.
윤곽은 정말 시간과의 싸움이에요. 깍으면 붓기와 회복이 걱정이고 다 회복되고나면 볼처짐 걱정이에요 하지만 많이 예뻐질수있고 평생 콤플렉스 탈출하다보니 좋은점이 엄청 많죠 ㅎㅎ 괜히 얼굴을 수술하고나면 수술로인한 부작용걱정때문에 조금만 안좋아도 수술을 했기때문에라는 이유에서 당사자가 원인을 찾더라구요 그래서 더 안좋은점이 크게 느껴지는 부분도 생기는거같아용  수술 이쁘게 하셔용!!!!!
19-03-10 17:09
후기 감사드려요.
2,3 년 뒤에 한번 더 후기 적어주시면 더 좋을 것 같아요.
19-03-10 19:20
19-03-11 16:53
* 비밀글 입니다.
19-03-12 14:42
2년차..! 걱정하시는 일 없으실거예요!! 나쁜 꿈 안꾸고 푹 주무시고 십년뒤 이십년뒤 평생 행복하셨음 좋겠어요~!
19-03-20 18:50
[@노코리] 감사해용!!
19-03-23 09:32
자기 자신만 알아볼수 잇는 그런 미세한 볼처짐이 어쩔수 없이 잇나요?
19-03-23 07:51
19-03-23 09:32
저 내일 수술하는데 글보고 힘이 납니다
19-04-03 13:57
잇몸은 갠찮으세요?
19-04-15 10:38
볼에 살이 많은편인가요? 없는편인가요?
19-05-07 22:43
뭔가 따뜻함이 느껴지는 글이네요 사각턱 계속 고민하고 있었는데 잘되셨다니 너무 다행이예요 :))
19-06-12 12:06
와!반갑습니당ㅎㅎ작년에 조동필 원장님께 삼종윤곽 했어요~^^이제 9개월넘었네요~! 안갈줄 알았던 시간이 금방가네용 ㅎㅎ
19-06-20 04:03
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