Job Review

Busan stem cell fat transplant review

Date 18.11.04 02:16:31 View 2,348

I had very little fat on my face, so I was looking into fat transplantation. I heard that there was a stem cell fat transplant with a high engraftment rate, so I looked into it. When I looked for it, there were two locations in Busan. Midas and Tiara. First, I went in for a consultation with Tiara and consulted with the director. He designed my face and I said okay, so I left, but the director said this person doesn't do it. I thought it was ridiculous and said something, but the director was embarrassed and took me out. The director was very kind and good. He gave me a reservation deposit, but when I thought about it at home, I thought I was too lucky and the hospital was running out, so I went to Midas Hospital. In conclusion, Midas Hospital was much cleaner and the director and director were both nice, so I decided to go there and had the surgery. I was very satisfied with the results. When I first came out, my face was so swollen that I looked like a monster, but after using the compress at home and the swelling went down, my facial features came back to life and my sharp expression became softer, which was great!! But now, it's been about 3 years since I did it, and I've lost a lot of weight haha, and the weight is sagging... But I'm going to try it again. Since there's no fat on my face, I look really old... This time, I'm thinking of putting in a little too much! I will post a review afterward!

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근데 미다스는 성형외과의 아니지않나요
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[@] 읭??성형외과 의사가 아니라는 말인가요?
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가슴도 줄기세포로 하던데ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ잘안빠지나요?
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[@서어어어엉] 요새 많이 하긴하더라구요 ㅋㅋㅋ 저는 큐오필 풀페이스 맞았는데 1년만에 거의 다 빠지는? 좀 잘빠지는 체질인것 같아요 ㅠㅠ 그래도 그나마 줄기세포 지방이식이 더 오래가고 있어요! 그냥 지방이식은 안해봐서 줄기세포랑 비교해서는 잘 모르겠어용!
18-11-19 17:00
지방이식때문에 쳐진건가여 피부가?ㅠㅠ
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