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DDㅁㅇㅁDDG Soft Cheekbone Surgery Day 1

Date 18.11.02 14:16:12 View 5,236

There seem to be a lot of people who are curious, so I'll write down what I felt. Ever since I was young, I have had a complex about clowns, such as people asking what they were hiding in them. However, I did it today after worrying about the formidable cost. I didn't look around many places, but I chose this place because there is no incision in the mouth, no fixtures, no burden when taking X-rays, and a quick recovery period. But this is a personal preference. .. What I received and felt today is that I did well. The director and the director are all so kind. It feels like having a consultation with a school teacher... Why isn't that the case with all the other hospital directors? Kindness from one to ten.... I visited at 10 o'clock and came out at 12:30. Right now, I can only see around the eyes, but there are no bruises around the eyes, and my eyes are normal. It doesn't look particularly swollen, except for the swelling around the eyes and it looks slit.

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Cmts 28
Oh my gosh haha ​​Did you do it today? I did it at the same time yesterday haha ​​I don't have any swelling or bruising yet!! Yesterday, the nosebleeds continued to come out. About 5 or 6 times? I don't have a lot of nosebleeds today, but I'm trying to be careful about what I eat.
18-11-02 15:34
[@] I'm still only eating soy milk and shakes~ Nice to meet you!! The bandages are so pressured that I want a lot on my chin. Other than that, it's okay!! You have to move your jaw to kill it, is that okay??
18-11-02 15:37
[@tc****] Those two should only eat soymilk ㅠㅠ I think it won't be a big problem since I'm only wide open when taking medicine!!
18-11-02 16:11
[@] Yes, I thought it would be better to not move as much as possible .
18-11-02 17:02
[@tc****] I also got bruises under my eyes.. hahaha I said that I would get bruises easily because my skin is thin, but after a day the bruises come up! I need to go to the pharmacy tomorrow and buy bruise cream and cravings! The swelling seems to be less yet... Tomorrow is the 2nd day, so I want to remove the bandages and wash my hair... hahaha
18-11-02 23:23
[@] Hello Hoong! I also took off the bandage on day 3, so I just took off the bandage, but only my right eye is bruised.
18-11-04 18:09
[@tc****] I have bruises on my white skin and it looks like a blood vessel has burst. First of all, I'm applying cold compresses and cravings from time to time so that they don't spread further~ Today, I don't think the bruises will spread anymore, so I'm going to try warm compresses! The swelling seems to have come down to the cheeks now, so I'm going to eat Elas A! I had severe 45 degrees on my side cheekbones, but the side cheekbones went in really well and I feel good hahaha I have a little bit of 45 degrees left, but I think it will go in more when the swelling goes down! Actually, I just want to go in.
18-11-05 16:16
The head of the office and the director were all good. I'm still before surgery. How long have you been resting? Did you use public transportation?
18-11-02 15:54
[@Tokyo Banana] I came out 10 minutes after I finished haha ​​I didn't have any pain, and since I only had a little, my dizziness got better!! I took a taxi. I'm a little afraid of using public transportation... haha
18-11-02 17:03
I also had almost no swelling or bruising after the surgery. Only the cheekbones went in and there was nothing different from before the surgery.. Contouring surgery is a fight against swelling.
18-11-02 16:26
[@Blue Eyes] Thank you, Blue Eyes!! But when I woke up after a little sleep, I got a small bruise under my eyes. How did you manage swelling? Is it good to walk a lot?
18-11-02 17:04
[@tc****] For me, recovery was about eating mindfully; If you have bruises, applying bruise cream is also effective, and it is good to take a walk if the swelling comes up.
18-11-02 19:41
I am an alumni of Cheongdam. It's been over a month. Take good care of the swelling and hope you're born again.
18-11-03 01:20
I wonder where it is
18-11-03 21:44
[@Iacocca ]   Cheongdam
18-11-03 22:06
I'm curious about the swelling and the price!!
18-11-05 07:53
I also have a non-fixed taste hahaha I looked into it hard and trusted it as a soft clown. Have a good recovery ^^
18-11-05 18:47
It's a small hospital. Why is this the most popular on clown bulletin boards? Of course, I'm not talking about the author.
18-11-07 02:32
I also made a reservation for the soft clown .
18-11-12 12:14
[@Haha] I hope you're doing well. In my case, I'm satisfied.
18-11-16 09:31
How are you now?
18-11-14 19:07
[@Nununinu] Almost all of the swelling is now gone and there are only dark circles and bruises!! The cheekbones have definitely gone in. In the case of me, I suffered a lot of bruises... They told me to eat porridge for two weeks even after removing the bandage, so I'm eating carefully!! If you have any questions, please let me know.
18-11-16 09:30
thank you for the info
18-11-17 20:05
Have your cheekbones decreased a lot? I'm thinking about soft contouring, but do you have any abnormal sensations or pain?? ㅠㅠ
18-11-20 14:26
[@Jerry-chan] Yes, I'm not lying, there's nothing at all~
18-11-25 16:39
How have you been? Are there really no side effects? How much is the swelling?
19-06-05 16:41
Did the union go well?? Also, be careful about what you eat and how long it will take for bones to attach uu. uu I am also worried because there are many ugly posts such as hitting with a hammer and breaking bones on Saturday .
19-06-06 10:26
[@Kwangdae Kim] Hitting them with a hammer is really funny hehe Wouldn't that damage the skin/flesh on the clown side? Cutting with a small chainsaw/saw blade can be found on YouTube.
21-07-11 21:22
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