Job Review

It's a one-week review of a long curve!

Date 17.02.02 01:33:06 View 4,324

I had a complex because of my square jaw, but after a lot of thought, I had surgery for a long curve! On the first day, I was wearing a blood bag, so even when I drank water, my mouth was still dry . It felt so weird when I took the bag out.. Ummm about the neck? It feels like pulling the inside flesh out from the point where the chin and neck meet? I was very surprised. I don't know about the swelling, but the bruising was so bad that there are still a lot of bruises on the sides of the lips and in the mouth. 3 days of bruising? It feels like it's getting thicker for 4 days. The swelling definitely feels like it's going down little by little. First, the swelling of the lips has definitely subsided from about 3-4 days, so there's not much shedding when drinking water or something. What I used to do is now that it has subsided, so it doesn't feel convex, just enough to fit comfortably in my hand? There was almost no pain. He said that the long curve itself was not a painful operation. I was admitted to the hospital for one day, and I was given painkillers, or it was okay, but on the day I was discharged from the hospital, it felt a little annoying? Other than that, there was no pain. I was very worried that it would cause inflammation on the inside if I neglected to take care of it even a little because it was an incision in the mouth. Hexamedin gargling It was the 5th day, so I used it all up, and then I gargled it. It was fine when I used hexamedine, but I was worried because the incision site was swollen and painful. After going to the hospital, I went to bed and woke up and it didn't hurt that much. It was so painful that I ate porridge for a week, so I came to the hospital today to ask if I could eat whatever I wanted lol. They told me to eat whatever I want, unless it is too spicy and salty or oily, so I ate rice and ate a hamburger from today. I ate it and it was not difficult to chew. But when I eat, rice paste or something like that keeps getting caught in the seams, so it's uncomfortable. My senses have returned to other places, but I'm a little worried because I don't feel like anesthetized at the center of my right jaw, about the size of a 500 won coin. Will it get better in the future? Oh, and finally, I noticed that I got a long curve and the chin angle has disappeared even though there is still swelling! I completely removed the bandage today and saw the jaw line for the first time, and the angularity is gone, so it's great! My parents saw it before me and were amazed. It's definitely gone! Now, I will see the progress again next week and after 3 weeks, remove the mouth thread and do the same with swelling management! I'll come back with a review next time!

별아a's More Posts
Cmts 9
Good read! I'll wait for your review
17-02-02 03:48
Can you give me some hospital information?
17-02-02 13:34
[@gg watting] I did it on tl!
17-02-02 14:06
[@별아a] 비용은 얼마나드셨나요??
17-02-04 01:34
[@gg홧팅] 저는 코를 같이해서 850이요! 티엘이 좀 비싸다구 들었어요 상담할때도!
17-02-04 04:18
17-02-03 01:08
[@윰윰욤] 김지명원장님께 수술받았습니다~
17-02-03 01:44
광대안하구 긴곡선만 하셨나요? 정면에서볼때도 효과가 좀 보이시나용?ㅜㅜ 긴곡선도 4일쯤후부터 일반식 먹을수 있는게 아니였나요..?ㅠㅠㅠ흑
17-03-07 09:03
긴곡선도 멍이 좀 드나보네요ㅠ 통증은 없다하셨는데 수술시의 통증이고 이후 음식드실떄나 그럴땐 좀더 남아있는거지요? 저도 이제 2주정도 남아 슬슬 걱정되기시작하네요. 효과가 바로 느껴지신다니 다행이예요 감각도 빨리 돌아오시고 원하시는만큼 이뻐지시길 빌어요!ㅎㅎ
17-09-18 12:18
1% Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
대표원장님한테 상담 받았고 다른 후기에서 봤던것처럼 얼굴에 살이 좀 있는 편이면 수술을 잘 안하려는것(?) 같음 또 에프터가 확실하게 차이날 사람만 수술하려는 느낌? 이게 효과없는 얼굴은 수술추천을 안하는 양심적인 병원이라고 생각할 수 도 있지만 음.. 어떤 의사가 수술하더라도 효과를 볼 수 밖에 없는 얼굴만 수술하면 그게 무슨 미감,기술 뛰어난 실력있는 의사라고 할 수 있나.. 효과를 기대하기 어려울 수 있는 얼굴을 드라마틱하게 바꿔낼 수 있는게 진짜 기술좋은 의사가 아닌가 하는 생각.. 그래도 일단 원장님 상담자체는 친절하시고 자세하셨음. 실장님들 안좋은 얘기가 많아서 긴장하고 갔는데 다행히 내가 배정받은 실장님은 진짜 좋았음. 내가 말로 표현하기 어려웠던 내 얼굴형고민거리를 단박에 알아주셔서 실장님 상담하고 나니 좀 개운한 느낌이 들었음. 딱히 강요 같은 것도 없었고. 뭣보다 병원 시설이 여태껏 가봤던 병원중에 제일 좋았음.
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