Job Review

[Square Jaw] Nose tip (autologous cartilage), 2 types of contouring, 2nd week review :)

Date 24.05.14 19:25:15 View 1,475
박종림, 송인수 선생님
7389000 만원
During days
14 Days

This is a review of the 2nd week after Samsao nose contouring surgery! I visited the hospital today and had all the stitches removed, including the inside of my nose and mouth. I also received laser treatment and keratin management, and I'll write this right away after I come out. First of all, let me give you a review of the surgery...!! I'm so satisfied!! >_< Wow, the first day and the 3rd day after surgery were very difficult, but after removing the cotton inside my nose, I could breathe easier and the pain was greatly reduced, so from then on I thought it was a good surgery. I have a complex about having a hooked nose, so only the tip of my nose was raised to the septum + ear cartilage. However, I personally liked the shape and people around me said it made me look slimmer and prettier. Hihi. I was scared of possible inflammation and wanted something as natural as possible, so I wanted to raise the tip of my nose without adding silicone, but the teacher recommended more and I got it just like that. Thank you so much for letting me proceed as I wanted, and I liked it!! And there were two types of contours: square jaw and cheekbones. At first, it was the 3rd or 4th day after the surgery? I was a little scared because my entire facial sensation was numb, and the swelling was so bad that I didn't realize it was a good thing, but now my senses have almost completely returned and a lot of the swelling has gone down, so people who haven't seen me in a while think I've lost a lot of weight, and it looks so natural!! I thought I had some serious cheekbones and square jaw, but after the surgery, wow, the things I used to worry about have really improved a lot, so even though I still feel some discomfort, I don't have any regrets!! ♥ I've done a lot of legwork and other things have improved a lot. I have received consultations from other places, but as I continue to visit, I feel like I made a good decision to choose this place because they are so friendly! Not only the doctor, but all the staff in the treatment room, station, and skin care are very kind. Also, since I had my eyes redone, I remember back then and was a little scared of having my stitches removed, but here, they are really careful and don't cause any pain! ! Even the antibiotic butt injection was very good and didn't hurt!! At the same time, I was very grateful and happy that they explained the wound care method and precautions very kindly one by one. As for the care, I received keratin and laser treatment on the first day, and today I felt a little hot. I received laser treatment, steam, and a pack, and it felt really good and comfortable. Is this why you get treatment at a dermatologist? It was so good that I thought about it!! Since I receive care here, my skin is in its prime these days~~ hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I've looked up a lot of reviews on YouTube and the Internet, so I know that care is usually done this way, but when I experienced it myself, the post-surgery care was systematic and good. It seems to be a well-run hospital, and I think the staff are both friendly and skilled. And of course the doctors who gave me a new life!! Today, while looking at the 3D CT results, he even explained it step by step. The outline was clear and I was so thankful that he did it with such care and attention! And the scar on the sideburn (cheekbone surgery) is almost invisible?! You can barely see it under your nose!! I'm satisfied with this as well. It's only been two weeks since the surgery, so it's hard to open my mouth wide or smile brightly, but I feel like I'm getting better, so I'll post a review in the first month to see if these areas are relieved! First of all, I honestly think I would recommend it to my friends!!>_<>

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