Job Review

[Forehead] Forehead reduction - 6-day photo added

Date 24.09.03 05:24:54 View 933
330 만원
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3 Days



It's been 3.9 days since I got my forehead reduction done. At first, I worried and worried a lot but I finally got it done. For the consultation, I had the T.O.L., B.T., and M.L. I was thinking of T.O.L at first and kept worrying about it but I was so lazy back then so I kept putting it off haha... I couldn't go. haha... B.T. could reduce more than I thought ㅠ so I gave up so I went with Mulley. Mulley seemed to be a good fit for me in terms of tiki-taka and during the consultation, the director said that it could reduce my forehead a lot (I really wanted to get rid of my forehead lol), so I chose Mulley. It also seems to be famous for double eyelid surgery. Anyway, it has n't even been a week and I'm still dazed, but the aftercare seems to be good. The director's face is really small so during the consultation, I asked out of the blue, "Did you get double eyelid surgery too?" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  The manager? Nurses? The teachers were all kind and suited me well . The teacher who shampooed my hair was also very kind ㅠㅠ She was so careful that I felt so sorry ㅠ She treated me like a baby ㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ Oh my gosh~ I don't know what to do with myself because she's so kind;; First of all, I'm so sorry that the director couldn't get off work until past 8 because of me because I was so late on the day of the surgery ;; It seems like she got off work around 9? I guess she slept really well after the anesthesia because she had the surgery all night. I'll upload a picture once the stitches are taken off and the swelling goes down a lot . But when I looked at other people, they all said they didn't hurt or only hurt for a day. How many days has it been like this? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I feel like I'm going to have a brain earthquake. But when will the swelling go down a lot? I want it to go down quickly so I can drink... (Not yet. I haven't even taken the stitches off though..) I didn't wash my hair because it was a bit too much..ㅎ Just look at the stitches. I'm finally going to take them off tomorrow, yeah

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