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[Face liposuction] One month of arm jaundice

Date 24.03.13 23:02:04 View 910
During days

It's been a month since I stopped smoking~~ You can see a huge difference that can only be seen in the photo...hahahahahahaha The shoulder asymmetry is still the same, but the overall size of the upper body and the circumference of the forearm itself have decreased by about 4 centimeters, and there are still plans to give more!! And the upper body line has become much slimmer!! Not only the arm lines, but also the armpits themselves were very fleshy, so I had to dig out the armpits to make room for the arms, so I did everything around the arms, including the arms, armpits, and floaters, and I am very satisfied!!!!!!  Has it really changed the way I get dressed now that I have room for my arms?? It's still cold so I don't have to show my arms much, but I think I'll be able to fly around with complete confidence once it cools off in a month or two!! Haha these days, I'm still trying on tight-fitting and light long-sleeved clothes. I also did high-frequency massage about twice, and the difference between using it and not doing it was huge. It really loosened up the tightness. No matter how much I stretched, there were some parts that wouldn't go away, but when I warmed them up with high-frequency waves, they really loosened up and it was nice. Wow, now I can do aerobic exercise and simple strength training, so I'm doing light home workouts at home!! It worked well when I used it along with the prescribed medication. The more I stretch, the better. My arms really don't fall out even if I exercise! It's stressful! If you do, jiheup is the answer~~~!!! I want to say that

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24-03-14 16:28
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