Job Review

[Hair Line] The Black Plastic Surgery/Hair Loss Hairline Specialist/Sinsa Station/30s Freelance Real Hairline Made with My Money 10th Day

Date 22.11.30 17:21:47 View 809

Hello, I'm here with a warm review on the 10th day. It's a cold wave warning. Fortunately, I had my bangs cut down according to the surgery, and people can see it at a glance, but they don't really know. The current condition is that the scabs are gradually turning black, and parts of them come off when shampooing, like peeling off a snake's skin . This is absolutely prohibited here! They say you should never intentionally scratch or peel off something just because you don’t like its appearance or because it is itchy!! Please be careful. If I can tell you the exact time, it's very itchy. I 'm going to take out the stitches the day after tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it because they said they'll check the progress carefully. And most of all, they gave me their self-developed hair loss shampoo to shampoo, and it's really refreshing and the foam is strong. It's nice and chewy.... As you can see in the picture, the scab has peeled off in some places, making it look a little messy and less noticeable. However, it's so... itchy at this point... They say it's completely normal. It's a pathogen that always answers kindly. ... I will come back with a review in a month after the stitches are removed! Be careful of cold!

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고생하셨어요~~ 나중 후기도 궁금하네요 ㅎㅎ
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너무 잘 되셨어요
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