Job Review

[3 type of Contour] This is a review of the square cheekbones.

Date 24.05.24 17:55:43 View 2,036
During days

It's been 3 months since I had contouring. I've had square jaw, cheekbones, cortical bone, and masseter muscle reduction. Let's talk about the changes in my daily life after contouring and the surgery review! First of all , it took a full year for me to decide to have surgery and put it into practice . It was a time when I started with my hands, worked my way up, and thought and thought about it again. I looked into many hospitals, from hot ones to professional ones, but in the end, the factor that I ended up worrying about was safety. The biggest thing was that I was not young, and since it was a surgery that touched my bones, I avoided hospitals that recommended dramatic changes or other surgeries. (I thought about it until the end, but isn't one of a woman's biggest desires to be pretty?) The reason I chose Samsao was none other than safety. Additionally, neither the director nor the teacher recommended any other surgery. I think it was very reassuring and trustworthy for me to tell you that it was an issue to think about additionally if you wanted to look prettier after seeing the effect of cheekbones and squares, which were the biggest concerns . I don't think I will forget even as time goes by, the doctor held my hand tightly and told me to cheer up right after the surgery, and when we met to check on my progress, he cheered me on and told me that I was just as happy as I was and that things would get better . No one around me knows except my family. Some people think that my face has become smaller because I lost some weight, and others say that my face used to be small, but it seems to be even more so these days. The family responded that the surgery was successful and that it was worthwhile because the shape of the face had changed. Now, after 3 months, a lot of the swelling has gone down and the chubby appearance is no longer there. Since I didn't have much fat on my face, it would be nice to be a little chubby haha. After the surgery, the biggest discomfort was eating, but now that my mouth is wide open, I can easily eat meat and jerky, so the discomfort of eating has long since disappeared. It was difficult to use 2 fingers, but I guess time was the weakness. Looking at you eating so well now. Who's talking about the fact that you couldn't open your mouth properly when yawning ? If you think about it that way, you have to assume that there are no inconveniences in your daily life, right? However, when my left cheekbone area is pressed or the weight is slightly pushed, I feel a tingling sensation and it hurts, but since I am in the recovery stage, I am just coping with that. Actually, right after the surgery, all I could think about was how I was going to recover, how it was so painful, and the pain was beyond imagination, but time flies so fast. They say the younger the surgery, the better. Although I did it late, I think I'm really glad I did it now. If there are people who are worried about my age, I would like to tell them that worries are just worries. After doing it, the level of satisfaction is different.

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