Job Review

[Face liposuction] Double chin line liposuction + facial liposuction + thread lifting>__<! My face is half full!!

Date 22.10.08 23:33:06 View 4,661
300 만원
During days
8 Days

Even though I've written about other places, this is my first time leaving a review about Seongyesa. If you look at my previous post, I was trying to get my chin trimmed and I happened to hear that it wasn't the bone that was the problem, but the problem with the flesh and muscles... The hospital director is famous for diaphoresis . When I heard that a new clinic had opened, I went to find it.... Chin suction + lip suction from the eyes to the corner of the mouth? (I can't remember the name of the part...) lip suction + thread lifting 12 lines + fat grafting under the eyes!!! + square jaw and beautiful legs Botox + nasolabial filler melting.. There were so many advertisements that I was cautious in choosing a hospital. The before and after photos were either before or after makeup or posted at different angles.. The before and after photos were taken at a 45-degree angle, so the photos were close to fraud. There are a lot of them, so it's really hard to judge. I'm uploading this for reference when choosing a hospital. For your information, I didn't use any makeup in all the photos I took, and I tried to take them from as similar an angle as possible. There's no discount or anything like that if you post a review of another place. It's just my words. The reason I chose this place is. First of all, the teacher looks young and has a great sense of aesthetics. When I consulted at other places, there were many people who seemed to have excellent skills, but I discussed asymmetry with the counseling director to the fullest and the doctor said he would correct the asymmetry, but what exactly was on my face? There were a lot of people who didn't even know it was a problem ㅠㅠ To use an analogy, I'm a lipstick seller who can't tell the difference between strawberry milk color and coral color. But when I received a consultation here, my right square jaw bone was downward and asymmetric, so the more sagging part was pulled up with thread lifting. He paid close attention to asymmetry and had a basic sense of aesthetics! And the best part was that I was timid, so when I went home, I had to wear a bandage or a bullseye. At other places, I guess they lacked the skills, but they left a lot of scars and tied the part where the needle went in with thread. But here, there was no tying and there was little scar, so they only used Mediderm. Higo, I didn't even wear a hat, I just wore a mask, and I was so excited to get home!!!! I thought the doctor's skills were good because there was less pain and no bleeding. Anyway, it's been 8 days, but I'm very satisfied with the results . Anyway, I wanted to write longer, but I'm too lazy to write so I'm done.. Because this surgery is the last time I have plastic surgery hahaha (really? hahaha) I may not be able to comment because I don't know if I will join Seongyesa or not, but I will leave one or two comments!!! Goodbye. By the way, the photo with the chin pulled and the natural photo look the same, but they are different photos. Really, no matter how much I pull my chin, the skin doesn't fold like before. It looks the same.. I also looked for old photos and was shocked to see if I was like this.

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7일인데 이정도라니 ㄷㄷ 없는 턱라인을 창조했어요 거의 ㄷㄷ
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22-10-09 08:23
와,,, 너무 잘되셨어요
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지흡하고나면 바본안생겨? 7일만에 효과가 바로 나타나?
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바본은 바로생기는게 아니라고 들어서 아직까지는 밑에 살만져보면 말랑말랑해서 바본은 안생걌어용.. 근데 이것도 뭐 의사선생님 스킬+본인 살성에 따라 다른듯! 아무래도 지방을 흡입해서 없앴으니깐 한 일주일이면 큰붓기는 다빠지는것같음.. 근데 한 3일까지는 엄청부어서 수술망했나했음ㅋㅋㅋㅋ..
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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와 대박 효과 쩐다....
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와 진짜 잘됐다...
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오 대박달라요
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22-10-16 17:03
* 비밀글 입니다.
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여기 상담 가봐야게슴다.
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턱지흡 찾아보는데 정말 잘됐네
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와 지흡 찾아보는데 전후차이 대박이에욤
잘 되셔서 부러워요!
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이중턱은 지흡만 한거에요? 리스트에 살포시 넣어봅니다
23-01-08 16:09
땡기미는 수술후 계속해야하나요 주말수술 평일 출근할려하는데ㅠ
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오 진짜 많이 달라진 것 같아요!
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혹시 비용은 어느정도셨나요!
23-04-03 02:53
볼패임은 살짝온건가요
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