Job Review

[Face Fat Grafting] Fat grafting yesterday and today, Day 1 (+Introduction story)

Date 22.08.24 11:07:23 View 1,202
During days

I'll reveal the fat transplant hospital information when the swelling goes down and I'm satisfied haha ​​I did it yesterday and I had one on my forehead before, so I had a side cheek! I took a picture as soon as I came out of the operating room, before the swelling started because it was pretty similar to how I looked after the swelling went down . (?) Day 1 will be summarized as pig-like with bruises and swelling haha ​​As an aside, this is an introverted story . I went to a place where there was only 2 degrees and got my eyes straight haha ​​Looking at it now, I'm really in awe..ㅋ It seems like I was brave,  even a doctor was a complete novice . The nose and nose look blunt, so the nose and nose are flat , so the forehead is flat, and the forehead is convex, so it doesn't seem to be in balance, so the face gets fat . Years as long as 15 years (double number) In my experience, it takes 2 years to settle down I have to do the next design accordingly (???) My personality isn't very meticulous, so I 've had an epicanthoplasty 15 years ago, but I'm just living and my nose is short and I heard it without a nose, but I can't see it getting better because I keep touching it, so I'm living with satisfaction. ㅡI think my nose will be rejuvenated. It's been 2 years now , but I don't think there is a perfect surgery within 2 years (leave the term long) Patience is also important, and time to adapt(?) to a new face..? Photos originally look more distorted.  In reality, my friends are also asymmetrical. What's wrong? There are kids who can't go for 2 weeks or 3 months and continue to struggle. I guess you know, that's the part I carry with me... If I were to go back to the past, I'd probably do something like a pair of double-breasted couples  (I started to do this because I was out of balance every time because of the incision in my eyelids), and since it's a skeleton, I don't think I'd have done just a fat transplant. I've already crossed the Lumicon River. But hehehehe everyone let’s not get too stressed hehehe It’s my loss, so I’ll write another review next time I’m green. Bye

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The Plastic Surgery Clinic
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옥재진원장님 가슴 수술 경력도 워낙 오래되셨구 유명하셔서 기대했던 상담이었습니다 기대가 컸는데 그 기대 이상으로 만족스러운 상담이었던거 같아요. 일단 보형물 관련해서 설명해주시는거 하나하나 디테일한 부분까지 간략 깔끔 느낌으로 설명해주셔서 이해 완전 잘 됐구요 핏해볼 수 있으니까 내가 수술하면 어느정도 볼륨감이겠구나 감이 딱 오더라구요 그런거 토대로 디자인하니까 아직 수술도 안했는데 벌써 설레는?? ㅎㅎ 절개부위도 제 생활패턴 하나하나 다 물어봐주시면서 알려주시는 점이 좋았구요 상담도 이정도인데 수술한다치면 얼마나 신경써주실지 기대될 정도였어요 워낙 모티바로 유명하셔서 모티바만 권하면 어쩌나하고 약간 걱정했는데 아니더라구요 저는 멘토엑스트라로 최종 픽했습니다
Unlike others, I always worried and was stressed about my overly large breasts, but this time I ended up getting reduction surgery. Director Kim Jae-woo of the Plastic Surgery Clinic is famous for breast reduction, so I got a consultation, and the consultation was very kind and I got the surgery. Before, because my breasts were big, clothes would fit too much, so I couldn't wear the style I wanted, it was hard to run, my neck hurt, and there were more than a few inconveniences in my daily life. But after the reduction surgery, everything, starting with the fit of clothes, seems to have improved, so I'm so happy these days. ㅎㅎ Above all, it's so light!!! I looked forward to the surgery, but I didn't know it would change this much, but it ended up being light!! I recommend reduction surgery to people with big breasts!!
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