Job Review

[3 type of Contour] 3 types of contour 3 month review

Date 24.06.17 17:48:17 View 797
870 만원
During days
90 Days

Since I was young, I had a lot of concerns about my cheekbones and face shape. My facial features can be considered unique, but my cheekbones and angular face determine my image, so I was dissatisfied with my strong impression. As I turned 40, my skin lost elasticity, so these areas became more noticeable and became more noticeable as I got older. As I got older, my impression became more important. When I was young, I could cover it up with my hair or other parts, but I felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to cover it up. I was stressed like this for more than half of my life, but I decided that I didn't want to do that for the rest of my life, so I went to counseling for a long time. I went to about 10 places for 6 months for 3 types of contouring mainly focused on the surgeon's skills and experience, hospital friendliness, and stability. As a result of selling my hands and feet, I received surgery from Dr. Jonglim Park of Samsao Plastic Surgery Clinic. Before the surgery, even though I had scheduled a decision date, I was still anxious about whether I was doing the right thing. Up until the second week after surgery, I was still anxious and had a hard time fighting the swelling, but now I am very satisfied and I want to say that I am proud of myself for doing a good job. I was very grateful to the director who helped me stabilize when I was having a hard time and the director who took care of my concerns over the phone. I think Dr. Call the day after discharge is a very good service. Taengkim told me to continue for 3 months, so I worked really hard and lost weight at the same time, so it feels like I am living a second life. I was worried because of my age, but the swelling has remained so far, so my skin feels like it's been rebooted. I hear a lot of people say their skin has improved. I like taking pictures because the rough image I hated disappears, and I am satisfied with the face I see in the mirror while shopping. After the 3rd month, my face has settled down a lot and I wanted a natural change, so I changed my hairstyle, and instead of immediately thinking it was just the outline, people said what I did and that I looked prettier. I'm also satisfied with this part. I am so happy that the doctor performed the surgery as well as I had hoped.

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헉 넘 자연스럽게 예뻐진 느낌 ㅠㅠ  부럽숩니다,,
24-06-17 23:49
자연스럽게 잘 되셨어요‘
24-06-17 23:56
진짜 자연스럽게 광대라인 달라졌네요
24-06-18 00:38
윤곽 넘 힘들었을텐데 잘 되셨어요
24-06-18 10:57
Finish Plastic Surgery Clinic
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